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After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 15

  “Jack!” Both Molly and his mom shouted at the same time.


  He twisted as his body flailed for purchase, sliding down the cliff a couple feet but staying close to the wall. The ledge that he’d been aiming for suddenly smashed into his feet, and the new challenge was about settling his body down and trusting that it would stay underneath him. He glanced back up at his mom and Molly after a moment.

  “I’m okay,” he said. “The hard part is over.”

  One of the trees was just within reach of the bottom of the cliff, and he made his way over to it and tied the rope around its trunk, using every knot that he knew.

  “Alright, now lower the bags down,” said Jack. “I’ll catch them and set them to the side.”

  It was a little easier said than done. The bags were heavy, and the drop was just far enough to make it impossible for the girls to pass them down to his hands. He steadied himself like a volleyball player and caught each of the bags using his head as much as his hands.

  “Got them!” Jack smiled up at his mom and Molly, who suddenly looked a lot more nervous than they had earlier. “Alright, now for the two of you.”

  Molly was first. The look on her face was a mixture of fear and excitement as she slowly sidled down the wall, using the same grips that Jack had highlighted on his way down.

  “How close am I? I don’t want to look down!”

  Jack reached his hands up and grabbed her by the waist.

  “Nice and steady, I got you.” He carefully helped her onto the ledge, moving her over to the side so that there would be room for his mother, as well.

  “Alright honey, here I go!” Rebecca looked terrified as she began to follow the same route down. Jack had never seen her so skittish before and began to worry that it might compromise her ability to climb.

  “Easy, mom,” he said. “Just take a deep breath, and try to-“

  “Ah!” Rebecca missed a handhold and was suddenly slipping down the cliff. Time moved in slow motion as Jack rushed to her aid.

  He reached his arms out wide, as though trying to give someone a hug that he hadn’t seen in years. His sneakers dug in against the rocky ledge as he caught his mom, and he struggled to maintain his balance. A single step back would be fatal.

  “I got you, I got you!” Jack was hugging her into him tight from behind, his heart beating out of his chest in suspense. It took him a moment to reaffirm that they were both safe. He realized that he’d been groping at one of his mother’s breasts and that his cock was pressed right in between her buttocks through their clothes.

  “You’ve got me, sweetie,” his mom whispered. “Thank you.”

  She turned around in his arms, and for a second, Jack felt the same kind of adrenaline rush through his blood that he’d been feeling on his own climb down. Molly cleared her throat from where she was on the ledge.

  “Are we going to start down the next section, or do you two need a minute alone?”

  Jack bit his lip and turned away from his mom, stifling the excitement that had taken hold of him. The rest of the way down was still rocky, but much less steep than the first section. With the rope that he had tied around the tree added into the equation, it looked relatively tame compared to the sheer rock wall above them.

  “Alright,” said Jack. “I’m going to have the two of you head down first, this time. That way I can pass the bags down tied to the rope, and then take it with me when I do my part of the climb.”

  His mother looked at him, surprised.

  “You mean we aren’t going to leave it attached?”

  Jack shook his head.

  “We have no idea what we might end up needing down there. “ He glanced into the valley below them the river and greenery creating a picturesque scene. “Besides, it’s not like we can climb back up that first cliff face, anyway.”

  “It’s been a one-way trip ever since the asteroid came down to begin with,” said Molly. “Whether or not there is any easy way out of this gorge once we’ve gotten down, we still have to make the trip. The only way for us to continue is to keep moving.”

  Jack nodded in agreement, and the three of them got to work. He tied the end of the rope around Molly’s waist, creating a secure harness around her.

  “I’ll lower the rope as you climb down,” he said. “If you slip, don’t worry, you’ll be okay.”

  “I know.” Molly stared into his eyes for a moment, and Jack had to suppress an almost overwhelming urge to kiss her.”

  “Let’s get started.”

  Most of the last section was more like a rocky slope than a sheer cliff face, and Molly made good time. The trees that grew stubbornly along the dirt and within the cracks of the rock made for good handholds, and it was easy going for the former astronaut. Jack was surprised by just how tiny she became as she climbed down, and when she reached the bottom, she was almost out of view.

  “I did it!” Her voice echoed up to him off both walls of the gorge. “It’s beautiful down here! It’s so beautiful!”

  Jack smiled. His mom reached her hand over and affectionately rubbed his palm with her fingers.

  “Untie your harness,” he called down. “I’m going to tie the bags to it next and let them slide down.”

  Molly did, and soon enough, Jack had lowered all of their supplies down to her. The only things left were his mom and himself.

  “Jack…” His mom looked at him with eyes full of love, and something that he almost didn’t recognize. Jack saw hope staring back at him. He reached over and pulled her into a tight hug.

  “I know,” he said softly. “This is exactly it. This is what we were looking for.”

  He tied the harness around her, taking care to keep his eager hands away from her soft boobs as he did. Rebecca took a deep breath, and then with much less hesitation than she’d had before, started down the route.

  Jack crossed his arms and watched her climb from rock to rock, using the trees in between as easy hand holds. Soon enough, she was at the bottom, and he was a little impressed by her speed.

  “I’m down,” called his mom. “Be careful, honey!”

  “I will.”

  Jack untied the rope from the tree and tossed it down into the gorge. He took his time headed down the rocks, using what he’d learned from watching Molly and his mother’s climbs to ease his way along.

  Every foot further down he descended made the greenery and vegetation of the gorge even more sensual. He could smell the grass and hear the river, and looking at all of the life was an almost spiritual experience.

  It’s like the Garden of Eden…

  “Eden.” Jack was about halfway down, and he couldn’t see Molly and his mom through the dense barrier of trees blocking his approach. “Let’s call this place Eden.”

  The women laughed, and it was the most beautiful thing that Jack had ever heard.


  The last stretch of the slope in between Jack and the bottom of the gorge was easy. He hopped off a large boulder and onto the ground, feeling the grass and soil give way underneath his feet.

  I’m so used to the scorched earth of the surface. I can’t believe all of the land used to be like this.

  “We’re so far down.” Molly was standing next to Jack’s mom, with her head turned up towards the rock face they had just scaled. “That must be how this area survived. The cliffs must have shielded it from the fires.”

  “If this area was spared, then other areas may have been, as well,” said Jack. “Who knows? This could mean that we aren’t the only people left, after all.”

  Molly and his mom smiled at him in a way that bordered on being patronizing. Jack shrugged and started looking around.

  “Let’s go take a look at the river,” said his mom. “I’ve been dying to wash off for days now.”

  “You can say that again.” Molly walked over to the older woman and gave her a high five. Jack watched, feeling a little confused by how volatile the two women’s relationship was.

/>   Things might be different now, between all of us. Finding Eden changes the dynamics of everything.

  They could hear the river bubbling in the distance, but the group took their time walking across the grass and through the vegetation and trees. It felt like a form of meditation, as though they hadn’t just stumbled into a healthy gorge, but into a true paradise, heaven on Earth. Birds chirped, ants and a variety of other bugs went about their minuscule lives, and all of the greenery gave off an aura of peace and tranquility.

  “I’ve never felt like this before,” said Jack. “This is unbelievable…”

  “No.” Rebecca walked over to him and hooked her arm through his. “What’s happened to the rest of the world is unbelievable. Down here… This is the way things should be.”

  The area around the river supported thicker natural growth, creating a long, thin forest that ran through the center of the gorge. Jack, Molly, and Rebecca walked into it with unwieldy steps. The days of hiking across the upper wastes had made them a little unaccustomed to having to step around bushes, and push tree branches out of the way.

  “Oh my god.” Molly was at the front of the group, and she let out a little squeal as she closed the distance to the river. “I haven’t seen anything like this since I got up to the space station! Even before then, when I was at the launch facility. It’s been weeks, maybe months.”

  The river was on the smaller end of being large, a couple dozen feet thick and just deep enough to making wading through it a bit of a chore. Jack walked behind his mom and Molly up to the edge of it, staring into the glistening blue water with wide eyes.

  This is the nectar of life. I wouldn’t trade this river for the emergency shelter, hell, for ten emergency shelters.

  “Are you still mad that we took a chance by coming here?” asked Molly, grinning at Jack’s mom. For a moment, Jack thought that she might snap back at the younger woman, but Rebecca just shook her head and patted Molly on the shoulder.

  “No,” she said. “You were right. This is exactly where we need to be.”

  Rebecca crouched down low and let her fingers dangle into the water. Molly joined her, and after a couple of seconds the two of them looked at each other and grinned.

  “The water is really warm,” said Molly.

  “It’s absolutely perfect.” Rebecca was grinning from ear to ear, the type of smile that Jack hadn’t seen on her face since before the crisis had begun.

  Without saying anything more, the two of them stood up and slowly began undressing. Jack watched as his mom carefully slipped her ash dusted blouse up and over her head, her big, bra-clad breasts bouncing into view as gravity pulled them free. Molly turned away from him, but the way she unzipped her jumpsuit and let it drop down over her shoulders was a strip tease of its own.

  “Whoa!” Jack did spun around, doing his best to be respectful even as blood rushed eagerly into his cock. “Maybe I should uh, do some more scouting while the two of you are getting clean?”

  “It’s up to you,” His mom had begun to wiggle out of her tight jeans, with every movement causing her breasts to dance hypnotically. “We’re all adults here, Jack. And it’s not as though we haven’t…”

  She trailed off, and Jack’s cock hardened even further at her implication.

  Things have already happened between the three of us that go beyond what’s normal. But just how much further can I push it before it really gets weird?

  “Come on, Jack, don’t be a prude.” Molly wasn’t wearing a bra or panties underneath her jumpsuit, but she had just enough modesty to hold an arm across her breasts and a hand over her pussy as she turned to face him. “Once we’re all in the water, it doesn’t matter if we’re clothed or naked, does it?”

  Jack glanced over at his mom. She was bent over and rearranging her clothes on the ground, pushing her gorgeous butt into his field of view, hidden only by the thin fabric of her tiny underwear.

  It does matter.

  He was about to turn away and walk off on his own when Molly ran forward and splashed into the river. She laughed and splashed water on him before he could move away, soaking his shirt and a bit of his jeans.

  “There! Now you have to get in!” Molly stuck her tongue out at him and then did a standing dive out into the deeper water in the center of the river. For a fleeting second, her perfect pink nipples and gorgeous butt were totally exposed. Jack could see his mom slipping down into the water nearby, still wearing her underwear as though it was a swimsuit.

  “You’ll pay for that!” The merry mood was infectious, and Jack rushed to strip his clothes off as he walked over to the edge of the water. He paused as he considered whether or not to take off his boxers and go in completely naked.

  Mom is still wearing her bra and panties. I guess I should play it safe, for now.

  He left them on, and then with a whoop, ran forward and leaped into a cannonball. He landed a couple feet out, and though the water broke his fall, it wasn’t deep enough to stop him from gently bottoming out. The river was cold at first, but once he was completely under it began to feel just right, cool enough to be refreshing but warm enough to be swimmable.

  “This is so perfect!” Molly slipped underwater a couple feet away from Jack and then surfaced right next to him. “Gotcha!”

  She grabbed onto his arm and tried to wrestle him under the water. Jack put up the pretense of resisting, his full attention turned towards her wet, naked body.

  “You brat!” he yelled. “I’m going to dunk you under!”

  Molly’s face was only inches from his, and as she laughed and struggled, her breasts pushed up against Jack’s chest. His cock was almost painfully hard, despite the river’s cooling flow. Molly tried to wrap him in a bear hug and tip him into the water, and Jack felt her thigh grinding against his hard on.

  I have to be careful. If I move the wrong way, it’s going to end up slipping lose.

  No sooner than the thought had materialized in Jack’s head did his fear come to fruition. Molly jumped up and wrapped her legs around him, and he felt his cock pop out through the flap of his boxers and slide up against her velvety pussy lips.

  “Alright you two, cool it!” Rebecca swam gracefully over from where she’d been bathing. “We’re just getting clean for now. The horseplay can wait until later.”

  She stood up in the water, and Jack had to fight to keep his jaw from dropping. Her bra was wet and almost transparent, and he could see her nipples poking out against the fabric.

  “Mom, wow…” muttered Jack. “I mean, yeah, no horseplay. I got it.”

  Molly laughed and pushed away from him into an easy backstroke. Her breasts were just large enough to protrude up from the surface of the water after each backward arm stroke. Jack tried to resist fantasizing about grabbing her and pulling her crotch tight against him.

  “Your hair is a mess.” His mom was right behind him, and without asking, she began splashing water onto his head and scrubbing his scalp. “All of that ash made it more tangled than it usually is.”

  She was pushing her breasts against his back. One of her hands wrapped around his chest and pulled him in tight, as though she was afraid that the river might sweep him away.

  “I can wash my hair on my own, mom,” sighed Jack. It had been years since they’d done this kind of thing, and he blushed a little when he saw Molly watching him from across the river.

  “I know that you can,” said his mom. “Whether you actually will or not is the real question.”

  She cupped her hand and lifted more water up onto his head with it. The way she scrubbed was a little painful, but something about it felt tender and caring at the same time.

  “There we go,” said Rebecca. “Now turn around so I can get the front a little easier.”

  Jack slowly turned around, facing directly towards her. He hadn’t realized just how close she was and felt his cock brush against her thigh as they met eye to eye. His mom looked gorgeous, with all of her hair hanging in a single wet lock, and
the water giving her body a seductive gleam.

  Jesus, why does she have to look so good? She’s my mom, but she’s unbelievably sexy.

  Without really thinking about it, Jack wrapped his arms around her and slowly pulled her into a hug. His cock was free from the confines of his boxers again, and he felt it slide up into the crease of his mom’s legs, right underneath her panty covered pussy.

  “I have to finish washing your hair, sweetie.” There was a tension in his mom’s voice as she spoke that was dangerous and provocative. She was reciprocating the hug, but Jack knew that she could feel his cock, and how hard it was.

  “Yeah, of course, mom,” said Jack. “I… It’s just been a while since we’ve hugged, hasn’t it?”

  His hips slowly began to move back and forth, letting his cock grind against his mom’s soft, supple thighs. The feeling of her wet panties along the top of his tool was almost enough to make Jack go crazy with lust. He found himself wanting to forget all about who she was and the relationship they shared, and just do what came naturally.

  “It has been,” said his mom, softly. “But right now, I need to wash your hair.”

  Jack meant to let go of her and step back, but a wave pushed against him right as he started to. He hugged his mom tighter, letting his hand come to rest on one of her big breasts as he continued to dry hump her.

  This feels awesome, but I really shouldn’t be doing it.

  “We should go swimming like this a lot,” said Jack. “We can do it whenever we want, now.”

  His mom pulled back a little and smiled knowingly at him.

  “Yes, we can do it whenever we want.” Her words cut through Jack’s sexually charged reverie like a hot knife through butter.

  “Oh, wow…” He took a step back, feeling embarrassed. “Mom, jeez, sorry. I should probably wash up over here.”

  His hard cock was still pointed right at her. Rebecca rubbed underneath both of her breasts as though washing her stomach and smiled at him, her eyes having the appearance of a mother, and of something much more dangerous.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about, sweetie,” she said. “I’m not mad.”