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After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 14

  “I just think that from now on, we need to be a little more conservative in the way we make decisions about our survival,” said Rebecca. “It makes more sense than betting our lives and the future of humanity on a longshot.”

  “Hey, hey, come on…” Jack finally spoke up, reaching out and setting a hand on each of their shoulders. “Instead of arguing, how about we take tonight to relax, maybe even get a little closer together.”

  Molly set her hand on top of his.

  “I think that’s a great idea,” she said. “And we can start by addressing the one issue that we’ve been struggling with the most head on.”

  Nobody said anything for a moment, but it was clear what she meant from the gentle inflection she put into a couple of the words.

  “Jack…” Rebecca slid closer to him, though there was already little room in between. “This is one thing I do agree with Molly about. And given that we’re all stuck in this tent together, well, it’s just like you said…”

  That was not even close to what I meant…

  Jack was scrambling to find the words to object with, but now that the issue had been brought up, it was impossible for his body to ignore the facts. He was trapped in a tiny space with two very attractive, willing women.

  Except one of them is my mother.

  “Jack?” Molly was waiting for him to say something. “You can relax. This doesn’t have to be weird, you know.”

  She ran her hand across his chest and brought her face in close to his. Rebecca was on the other side of him, and she slowly began to move in closer, too.

  “It’s hard for it not to be weird,” said Jack. “I thought that… I mean, there must be another way?”

  I feel ridiculous for turning them down, but the alternative is just too embarrassing. Molly, I could definitely adjust to. But my mother? That’s going too far, crossing too many lines.

  “There is no other way, Jack,” said his mom. “I know it’s a little, erm, uncomfortable to think about. But we love each other, don’t we? It’s something that we just have to do and get through together.”

  Molly slowly moved to the side and then began lowering Jack down onto the tent’s floor, positioning him so that he was lying flat on his back. Both she and his mother crouched in close on either side of him, and they began to take liberties with the way they touched his chest and stomach.

  “It’s dark in here,” said Molly. “Have you ever played the party game where you get locked in a dark closet with a random girl, Jack?”

  “No,” he said. “I haven’t…”

  A hand lifted up the bottom of his shirt and slid across his lower stomach. Fingers slipped underneath the waistband of his pants and then began unbuttoning and unzipping them.

  “The thing about that game is that you never know who you’re in there with. It makes it easier for people to let go of their hang-ups, and be open about being sexual.”

  Jack felt his pants slowly being pulled down his waist and legs. He wanted to sit up, to reach out, to be an active participant, but between his burned hands and the cramped space of the tent, it was just about impossible.

  There isn’t even anywhere for me to escape. I don’t have a choice about this, and even if I did…

  “Are you okay with that, too, Rebecca?” Molly’s question floated innocently on the air, as though she was confirming a take-out order.

  Jack waited out a long moment of silence, his cock stiffening and pushing out against his boxers as one of the women’s hands began to graze against it through the fabric.

  “Yes.” His mom’s voice had an illicit quality to it. Another hand began touching his cock, and this time, Jack knew whose it was.

  “Oh man,” he whispered. His boxers were pulled down, and he felt his cock pop out from the elastic waistband as they slipped off. A warm, soft hand took hold of his tool and slowly began stroking it.

  “Just close your eyes and relax, Jack,” whispered Molly. “Pretend that this is all… just… a dream.”

  She was touching his cock with slow, gentle movements. Her other hand was sliding across Jack’s stomach and chest, along with one of his mom’s. He felt a thumb pass over the tip of his penis and realized that it didn’t belong to Molly.

  The two women were whispering to each other, and Jack couldn’t make out what was being said over the sounds of the ash storm. Molly was still stroking him off. She let go for a moment, and another hand came to take her place.

  This is insanity.

  Jack felt pleasure pulse through his body, starting in his cock and spreading through his crotch and up from there. He wasn’t sure whose hand was touching him, and he was even less sure whose he wanted it to be.

  It’s Molly and my mom. I’m going to cum for one of them, regardless.

  “You’ve done so much to help over the past few days, honey,” whispered his mom. “Jack, you’re all grown up now. A big, strong, man, who is ready for all the responsibility that comes with it.”

  He had never heard her speak in the voice she was using before. It was overtly sexual, but still gentle and motherly at the same time. It was confusing and embarrassing for him to hear it, to hear her, and to be aware of what was going on.

  I almost wish she’d just stay quiet. If she keeps talking like that, I’m going to lose it.

  “That’s it, Jack.” Molly giggled. “Just lie back and enjoy it. Whose hand do you think is touching you, right now?”

  Jack shrugged, feeling a dirty, sickening sexual urges beginning to take hold of his muscles.

  “I don’t know.”

  “It doesn’t matter, sweetie,” whispered his mom. “As long as it feels good, right?”

  It does matter! You’re my mother!

  Unfortunately, Jack didn’t have the willpower to object. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to, and though his emotions cried out in shame and disgust, his logical side was doing its best to keep him on track.

  “Jack, I know that the two of you…” Molly took a deep breath, as though overcoming her own hang-ups about the strangeness of what was taking place. “I know that you’ve gone further than this.”

  Jack felt somebody’s hot breath tickling the head of his cock.

  “And I know that you’ve gone further than this.” He could hear the vibration of Molly’s voice against the tip of his penis, and relaxed for a split second.

  A wet, warm tongue slowly licked the head of his cock, and Jack couldn’t stop himself from moaning out loud.

  “Oh, jesus…”

  The licking stopped, and Jack heard Molly giggle.

  “Does that feel good, Jack?” she whispered. “How about this?”

  Her tongue came back into contact with his hard on, licking from the base this time. Suddenly, he felt the same sensation on the head of his cock, another wet and soft tongue making contact and bringing him further into bliss.

  That’s… mom’s tongue?

  “This…” Jack wanted to make a stand, to act on the shame and guilt that the act was creating in him. He and his mother had been this far before, but it had been under different circumstances. Even then, it had created an immense conflict within him. Now, it felt real, confirmed, as though there really was no going back.

  “Mom, Molly, oh man…”

  Jack arched his back slightly, pushing his cock higher up into the air. He felt the lips and tongues of the two women begin to slicken every inch of his hard on with their sweet, hot, saliva. It was beyond anything he ever could have imagined, pleasure that was good enough to turn him bad.

  One of the mouths moved to the head of his cock and slowly slipped over it. Jack groaned as the lips invited his girth inside, sliding down and creating a sheath over his dick.

  “Oh god,” he moaned. “That feels…”

  It feels good. But is it Molly, or is it…?

  Whoever it was began to suck him off, slowly at first, with gentle movements. Jack leaned his head back, feeling two sets of hands continuing to massage his chest and stomach.
/>   The lips of whichever one of them was sucking his cock dropped lower, and he felt the head of his cock push all the way back. She used her tongue to rub right at the base of her cock and slowly twisted her mouth to the side for a long, insanely pleasurable couple of seconds.

  And then she pulled back, taking her mouth away and exposing Jack’s prick to the cold air. Before he could feel disappointed, the other woman, either Molly or his mother, moved in.

  “Shhhh…” She whispered.

  Jack wasn’t sure if he couldn’t recognize the voice, or if he just didn’t want to. His cock pushed eagerly against the other woman’s lips, and slowly entered her mouth. Her tongue flicked against the head of his cock lovingly, as though she was trying to give it a French kiss.

  I can’t cum! Not if it’s my mom! I, I…

  Jack lost control right as the mystery woman began to suck. His cock began spraying its seed into the warmth of the mouth, sending extreme amounts of pleasure all the way out into the furthest reaches of his body. The mouth pulled back, and for the rest of his orgasm, both women licked up each strand of his cum, lavishing his cock with attention.

  “Oh my god,” whispered Jack. “That was…”

  That was the worst thing I’ve ever done. And that was amazing.

  “It’s okay, sweetie,” whispered his mom. “It’s like Molly said before, we have to-“

  “No!” Jack was surprised by the resolve in his voice. “No, I don’t think this is okay. It’s too soon. We still don’t know that we’re the only people left yet.”

  “I have a pretty good idea that even if we aren’t the only people left, we’re certainly the only ones left around here.” Molly set one of her hands on his chest as though trying to massage reason into his body.

  “Jack, honey, we’ve already gone this far,” whispered his mom. “I mean, I just-“

  “Don’t!” Jack felt his face heating up, embarrassment and confusion finally taking over. “It doesn’t matter. This was really weird, but for us to actually, well, you know…? That would be wrong!”

  Why am I the one having to make this argument? She should be just as against it as I am.

  “Love is never wrong,” whispered his mom.

  Nothing else was said that night. The tent was a cramped space for them to sleep in, and an awkward tension hung in the air that only made it feel even smaller. Rebecca hugged Jack against her, as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened, and he was still just a boy. After a while, he managed to drift off to sleep.


  Jack was the last one up the next morning. His body was cramped, and it took a second to get up and get dressed.

  Molly and his mom were both waiting outside. The ash from the winds the night before had layered the ground, almost like snow. The air smelled burnt, and a little dirty, and Jack found himself wishing for a shower.

  “Morning,” said his mom. “Here.”

  She pushed a cup of dry cereal into his hand. Jack took it, restraining his disappointment as much as he could.

  I am sick of grains, in any and all forms.

  “We should get moving as soon as we can.” Molly was a couple of feet over to the side. She’d already packed some of their stuff away, her sleeping bag along with Rebecca’s.

  “Yeah, okay,” said Jack. “Just uh, let me take down the tent.”

  The group was a lot quieter than it had been the day before, and there was an odd tension in the air. Jack couldn’t tell if it was from the awkwardness of what had happened the night before, or if morale was dropping as they were forced to hike across more of the same terrain.

  It took him a little longer than usual to put the tent away, as he had to brush the dust off it as he went. After making sure that it was secure in its bag, he stuffed it into his backpack and shouldered the entire thing.

  “Alright, are you two ready?”

  Molly and his mom had been waiting on either side of the tent. Jack hadn’t heard them say anything to each other the entire morning, and the friction between them was almost palpable.

  Why does everything between the three of us have to be so complicated?

  “Yeah, let’s go,” said his mom. Molly nodded, and the three of them formed up and began walking the familiar route northeast.

  The hardest part of the beginning of the hike was barrenness of the landscape. It looked almost exactly like the area that they all had traveled through the day before, and the area that Jack and his mom had traveled the day before that.

  The fire stripped the soul out of the land.

  There was something ahead of them that did begin to catch Jack’s eye. After about an hour of hiking, he was sure of it. There was a small ridge ahead of them. It wasn’t quite the size of the one he and his mom had been over on the way to get to Molly, but it was still large enough to see from a distance.

  “Alright, it looks like we’re going to have to climb again,” said Jack. “I’ll head up first, and carry the rope behind…”

  They were still walking forward, and a couple more steps into the approach, he saw something that stole all of his attention. It wasn’t a ridge that he’d been looking at, but rather, a large gorge, with a steep, mountain like cliff face running even with it on the other side.

  It was what he could just barely make out inside of the gorge that made his legs suddenly feel weak.

  “My god…” whispered Molly. “That’s… a tree.”

  She was right.

  The three of them began walking faster. The tree was jutting out from the side of the inside wall of the far cliff and flames had singed the top of it, but there was still green on it, more than they had seen in days. As the three of them drew in close enough to peer further over the edge and down into the ravine, they broke out in laughter.

  “This is it!” Jack clapped his hands together and jumped into the air like a little boy on Christmas morning. “Molly, this is fucking it!”

  “I can’t believe it,” whispered Rebecca. Molly let out a high pitched squeal.

  The gorge was at least a mile wide, and stretched on in either direction for a half dozen more. It was hundreds of feet deep, and as Jack looked further down, he saw more green. At the very bottom, it was all he could see.

  Legions of trees crowded around either side of a small river that poured in from an opening in the rock face to the north, where both sides of the gorge creased together. There were patches of space filled in with thick grass and vegetation scattered throughout the forest, and Jack could hear the faint chirping of birds from within them.

  “I… forgot,” he muttered. “This entire area used to be beautiful, and fertile. I forgot that it was ever anything other than a desert.”

  Molly and his mother were both hanging onto each other, squabbles forgotten as tears of happiness streamed down their faces.

  “We have to climb down,” said Jack. “Now! We have to get down there.”

  His hands were shaking as though he’d just scratched the numbers of a winning lottery ticket. He quickly unzipped his bag and hurried to pull the rope out of it, running over to the edge of the gorge and taking a look down.

  It was a steep climb in all spots. The gorge curved further to the south along the landscape, and it was hard to see where exactly it ended, or if it ever sloped down far enough to be easily accessible. Jack slowly made his way over to the edge in front of them and sat down next to it.

  “Jack, careful!” His mom had composed herself and walked up behind him. She held her hands on his shoulders as though holding him back from an accidental fall.

  “Yeah,” said Molly. “We found it. We’re here. We can take our time now, getting down.”

  A bird flew up from the gorge and began circling in the sky overhead. Jack had forgotten just how beautiful and elegant they were in flight.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” he said. “With the rope, though, I think we can make this happen.”

  The three of them walked along the edge of the gorge, headed southeast
. The ground didn’t even out, and if anything, the ground at the bottom of the huge crevice only became more distant. What did change, however, was the steepness of the cliff wall that they were below them.

  “Here we go,” said Jack, stopping in front of an area where the trees had extended almost three-quarters of the way up. “With the rope, and a bit of careful climbing in the beginning, we can do it.”

  He slipped his backpack off and let it drop to the ground. The huge rope was coiled up, and he slipped it across his shoulders like a bandolier to free up his hands.

  “Jack, hold on,” said his mom. “Maybe we should all try to do it together, so we can help each other along.”

  He shook his head.

  “No, just let me handle this. I can tie the rope around one of those trees once I get to the first cliff.”

  He pointed to the tiny ledge that marked where vegetation began to grow.

  “Alright,” said his mom. “But please, be careful.”

  Jack nodded and turned to the task at hand. His hands still hurt faintly from the burns he’d suffered earlier in the week, but for the sake of climbing, he tore the bandages off them. Most of the blisters had healed up somewhat, and there wasn’t anything on his palms that looked like it would split open.

  Let’s hope that these fingers still work as well as they used to.

  He turned his back to the gorge and slowly began to lower himself over the edge on his stomach. The first foothold he had already spotted out, but finding it without looking, and trusting that it was going to be there, was a challenge of its own.

  His toe kicked against it, and he settled his weight down. Jack let his hands slide to the edge of the cliff and gripped it as tightly as he could.

  Here’s the point of no return.

  Slowly, but with confident movements, he found the next set of handholds and lowered himself down further. The first ledge was only about ten feet below, but it was thin enough to make dropping down to it a little intimidating.

  He moved his right hand into a new position and felt the rock that he had grabbed crumble under his fingers. For a moment, Jack was falling backward, away from the cliff face and towards certain death.