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The Exchange Student: Complete And Uncut Page 5


  A strange responsibility weighed own on Zack’s shoulders as he lay in bed that night. It seemed as though from his first arrival in Easthaven, he had been cast into a new role, with new expectations, and a very small margin of error for meeting them.

  He turned from side to side, unable to sleep. It was closing in on midnight, and the only thing within the reach of his room for him to do was browse the internet. So that’s what he did, pulling open his laptop and checking several websites for any more news on the shooting.

  There was very little new information out there. In fact, it almost seemed as though the story had run its course. Several of the articles he had read earlier appeared to be falling out of the internet’s collective attention, which he found to be a little unusual given the circumstances.

  Before he could delve any deeper, a sound from outside pulled him back into the moment. It was a gunshot, as unmistakable as the ones he had heard within the school. He felt his heart race, followed by his mind, and immediately began throwing on his clothes.

  He needed to see what was going on. It was hard for Zack to tell if it was his own curiosity, or a sense of duty, but he needed to get outside, regardless of his own fear and apprehension. As he shot down the hallway toward the stairs, Quinn stepped out of her room, wearing her thin, almost see through night robe.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, her voice still groggy with sleep.

  “Nothing, just stay here,” he said.

  Zack went out through the front door, immediately slowing down as he made his way onto the street. Easthaven had streetlights, but they were much further apart than any town he’d been in before. He crept along the road, seeing nothing outside other than trash cans and recycling bins.

  A second shot rang through the air, followed by what sounded like a yell. It was coming from the park, and Zack bent low, running as fast and quietly as he could down the road in the direction of the commotion.

  He approached slowly from the edge of the grass. He could see a shape near the corner of the park, but it wasn’t until he got closer that he could make it out. It was a body. It was Dave’s body. Nausea boiled inside his stomach, and as he turned away from it, his eyes locked onto the culprit.

  The skeleton mask and black clothes of the figure were the exact same as the ones the shooter had worn at the school. The figure was facing Zack, with a pistol in one hand that it slowly raised up. He froze for a moment, and then exploded towards the trees, towards where he and Alex had been earlier that day.

  Another shot went off, close enough this time to make his eardrums ring, and then another. He didn’t stop running, not even when he reached the cover of the forest. He could still hear the killer hot on his trail, and pumped his legs with energy that seemed to materialize from his desperation.

  He ran until he was exhausted, and then kept running. Zack was deep into the woods now, far enough in that he wasn’t sure exactly which way would lead him out. He collapsed and pulled himself around the far side of the trunk of a huge tree, and sat in a pile of leaves, trying to still and quiet his own ragged breathing.

  There was no sound of anything headed towards him. He waited for a minute, or at least what felt like a minute, just to be sure. He dug around in his pocket, cursing himself internally as he discovered that he’d forgotten to bring his cell phone.

  All he could do was wait. There was a killer on the loose in Easthaven, still. One of his only friends in the town was dead. And all he could do was wait, and hope that the morning brought with it an answer as to just what was going on in the town.


  The early morning sun had already risen over the horizon by the time Zack felt confident enough to make the trek back to Quinn’s. The forest had not made for a comfortable place to spend the night, physically or mentally, with every noise sounding to him like the approach of his impending doom.

  He walked slowly, sticking to the edge of the park, and then close to the walls of buildings. His route normally would have taken him close to where he had seen Dave’s body, but he intentionally avoided it. There was no sense in taking unnecessary risks.

  Zack crept forward, slowly traversing the streets until he was finally he home. His pants and shirt were covered with dirt, and he felt almost as though it reflected his inner spirit. The night had shaken him to the core, and he wanted nothing more than to get inside, clean himself up, and recover.

  HE opened the door and stepped inside. Quinn was sitting at the dining room table, alert and concerned. She jumped out of her seat and ran over when she saw him.

  “Zack!” she cried, wrapping him into her arms. “Zack…I thought you were…”

  “I know,” he whispered. “It’s okay. I’m not that easy to kill.”

  His host mother pushed back for a second, and began to pound her fists on his chest, both in anger and in relief. It was almost as though she was testing reality, making that he was actually physically there in front of her, and that it wasn’t just a dream.

  Zack just smiled, and reached out with his hand, caressing her cheek. She has such beautiful eyes, he found himself thinking. Before he could think clear mindedly about what was happening, their faces had drifted together, and their lips had locked into a kiss.

  All the pent up desire and longing he had felt for Quinn seemed to come to a head. She ran her soft hands across his chest, and he began to feel his cock springing to attention.

  It felt weird, and more than a little wrong. He had been entrusted into this woman’s care, and now the lines of appropriate behavior between him, the acting son, and her, the acting mother, had been blurred.

  Quinn pushed her tongue into his mouth. She tasted good, like fresh, sweet strawberries. He groped at her butt, and found himself maneuvering her over towards the couch. The two of them never broke their embrace along the way, and collapsed onto it with a tangle.

  “Zack,” said Quinn. “I’m sorry, my emotions are just-“

  “Quinn,” he said, cutting her off and then leaning in with another kiss.

  His cock was hard for her, as sick as it was. She was old enough to be his mother, and in a sense, she already had been more of one to him than any other woman he’d known. And yet he wanted her, with a strange, oedipal desire that pushed him to the brink.

  Zack’s hands went to work, pulling Quinn’s thin night robe open and feeling her breasts. They were large and well formed, perfect for his hands. He felt himself growing bolder, kissing his host mother’s neck and chest with an intensity and passion that seemed to be impossible for him to control.

  “Oh god, Zack,” said Quinn. She leaned back on the couch and opened her legs. Zack pulled his shirt up and over his head, and then slipped her black lace panties down and off her legs.

  It only took him a moment to get out of his pants and boxers, his hands frantically undoing buttons and zippers in a rush to ready his rock hard member for action. Quinn opened up the robe even more, and Zack could see all of her. She had a small triangle of hair above her womanhood, trimmed and well maintained.

  He forced himself to lean forward slowly, and kiss her with the tender and soft control of a man much more restrained than he felt himself to be. Quinn wrapped her arms around his neck and gently pulled him down, guiding his cock inside her with gentle, motherly grace.

  She was warm, and wet. As Zack’s cock teased at her entrance, he could feel just how ready she was for him. Still, he pushed in slow, keeping his pace even and deliberate. He felt himself wanting her approval, wanting to fuck her in a way that left her proud of him and his achievement.

  Quinn gasped, and almost seemed manifest a look of disbelief, as though she had just snapped back to the reality of what was happening. Instead of saying anything, Zack just leaned in and kissed her again, softly, as he pushed the rest of his shaft into her depths.

  “Oh god!” shouted Quinn. Hearing the pleasure in her voice fueled the flames of Zack’s lust. He felt an animalistic drive take over
as he began moving faster, feeling his cock penetrating her. It didn’t matter what their roles were, now. He was going to take her, as a woman and as a lover.

  The couch began to shake as he got into a rhythm, fucking Quinn as though she was his long awaited partner and queen. She moaned louder and louder, and Zack fucked her harder, and harder. It felt so good, and so wrong, and so right, all at the same time.

  “Don’t stop,” she cried. “Please honey, don’t stop!”

  Her words pushed him even further into the act, and he pumped his dick into her with all of the speed his hips could muster. After a couple of deep strokes he felt Quinn begin to twist underneath him. She through her head back and let out an intense cry of pleasure, overtaken by a powerful orgasm.

  Zack didn’t slow down. He was fucking his host mom, and fucking her well. She was so tight, and her inner walls began to contract even more against his cock, squeezing him and almost creating a pull that drew him further in.

  He was pushing the full length of his rod into her, and it sent pleasure through his entire body. There was also guilt, and regret, and a little shame, but it all seemed to only feed into the arousal he felt. After a couple more deep strokes, he felt his cock reaching its limit.

  Zack didn’t want to cum inside her. Somehow, that seemed as though it would be the ultimate taboo, the one thing that would make what was happening an act that they could never come from. He willed himself to pull out, but it seemed as though his hips and his cock and the sex crazed demon inside of him had other plans.

  He shot his seed deep inside his host mother. Every blast he let out seemed to send a wave of pleasure through his entire body, unlike anything he had ever felt before. He breathed heavy, and didn’t pull out until he had completely emptied his balls.

  “What…did we just do?” asked Quinn, weakly.

  She looked at him as he was now, both a lover and a child. Zack could see that she was already walling herself off emotionally, but had no idea what to say to prevent it.

  “Quinn…” he started. She quickly got up off the couch and pulled her robe back on. She turned towards him as if to say something else, but held her tongue, and ran upstairs to her room.

  Zack slowly got dressed. He had a long day ahead of him.


  Zack was sleep deprived. The previous night had been an exhausting ordeal. Still, he needed to follow up on what he had seen. After grabbing a quick snack from the kitchen, he forced himself out the front door.

  There was a light trickle of rain coming down, and he found himself wishing that he had an umbrella. He pulled the hood of his sweat shirt up over his head and began walking down the street, headed in the direction of park. Headed in the direction of Dave.

  What he had seen the night before had shook him deep to the core. Dave had been a friend. A new friend, slightly helpless and awkward, but still a person that he felt like he could have grown to know. The image of body was still fresh in his mind, surrounded by a pool of crimson, sticky blood.

  And this is why Zack was all the more shocked to arrive at the park and see nothing. There were no police surrounding perimeter. There was no chalk outline of where the body was, or yellow caution tape cordoning off the area. There was absolutely nothing to suggest that a murder had taken place there the night before.

  He backtracked down the street and walked the route again, certain that he must have missed something, or that the body had been moved. But again, there was nothing. It made no sense to him. There was no way the killer could have acted so fast. Why would he have even bothered, knowing that Zack was still alive and had witnessed the crime scene?

  Zack found himself doubting his own memories as he combed over the spot where he had seen Dave’s body. There was a damp circle surrounding it, but that almost seemed like it could have been from the rain. Was it possible for the killer to have moved the body?

  He found himself becoming confused even more as he considered the alternatives. Finally, he decided to walk further into the park, towards the forest that he had spent the night in. His mind began to reenact a part of the emotions that he had felt during the chase, but he brushed them off and increased his stride.

  Seeing the edge of trees made him remember the day before, and Alex. Dinner last night had been nice, despite Quinn’s emotional baggage, and he found himself wondering how she was doing. He didn’t know exactly where things stood between them, and if it would be the same after what had happened between him and Quinn, but he wanted to hear her voice, and pulled out his phone to give her a call.

  He got her voicemail, and hung up without leaving a message. It seemed just as well. In the mood he was in, all that would be accomplished through talking with her would be to dump his problems off on somebody else. He began to make his way back towards the town, thinking that if he couldn’t find any clues in the park, the next reasonable place to try would be Dave’s house.

  As he stepped onto the street, a car slowed as it drove by him, and then pulled over. There hadn’t been many out that morning, and the window of this one rolled down as it stopped. A woman leaned over from the driver’s side seat and smiled at him. It was his home room teacher, Ms. Wade.

  The last time he had seen her had been during the shooting, and it was hard for his mind to not immediately jump back to the intense experience they had shared. He remembered the feel of her body against his, and felt himself getting a little excited as he looked at her.

  “Hey Zack,” she said.

  “Ms. Wade…” There was a strange tension on the air, almost like neither of them knew how to bridge the gap. She looked at him and shook her head.

  “I’m sorry, I just saw you walking out of the park, and with the rain and all, I thought you might need…” She trailed off, as though she was suddenly embarrassed. “Anyway, it’s good that we ran into each other. I really need to talk to you, if you have a minute?”

  “Sure, I’m all yours,” he replied, walking over to her car and climbing in.

  The interior was clean and orderly, exactly what he would have expected out of his teacher. She had on a coat over clothes that were much more casual then what he had seen her wearing at the school.

  Ms. Wade drove a short distance and pulled into the park’s rest area. She turned the car off, and then rubbed her hands on her pant legs, almost as if wiping something off of them.

  “Zack, I just wanted to talk you about…” she trailed off again, almost as though the words were eluding her grasp.

  “I know, you don’t have to say anything.” He reached his arm out to rub her shoulder in what was meant to be an encouraging gesture. The car seemed to heat up by a couple of degrees as he made contact, and the scent of her perfume was the only thing he could think about.

  Ms. Wade turned towards him, and he could see that all of the emotions from the incident were still inside her, pushing out in the tears that were forming in the corner of her eyes. He reached over and ran his fingers across her cheek, and she leaned into his touch.

  It was hard for him to stop, or even want to stop what happened next. Zack leaned in and kissed his teacher softly on the lips, feeling her respond and shift her body towards him as much as she could. His hands slid downwards, feeling her ample bosom and chest.

  She seemed to be hungry for his touch, and pulled Zack even closer to her. Ms. Wade ran her fingers across his crotch and quickly began unzipping and unbuttoning his pants. Zack’s cock sprung to attention almost as though heeding her call.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he said, feeling himself come to his senses. “You don’t have to-“

  “Zack, just let your teacher take care of you,” she replied, dropping her head down and giving his member a preliminary lick. “You took care of me, now I want to take care of you.”

  He looked around the parking lot nervously. There were no cars or people in sight, and that was a very good thing. Ms. Wade had begun rubbing her lips on the head of his engorged cock in an almost mind blowingly erotic manne
r, and it was all he could do to keep from moaning out loud.

  She slowly lowered her head down over his shaft, and he began to get an idea of just how warm and inviting her mouth could be when she put it to the right use. Her tongue rubbed against the base of his cock, teasing at him with its wet softness. He could feel the inside of her cheeks as she began to suck, and had to focus to keep from blowing his load immediately.

  Zack would have never guessed it from her appearance, but Ms. Wade was practiced and experienced at giving head. She would work his dick slowly, and then speed up, keeping an almost vacuum tight seal. Occasionally she would flick her eyes up at him, both of them full of seductive energy. They were the eyes of a woman who knew how to be slutty when she wanted to.

  It didn’t take him long before he began to reach his limit. Zack tapped on the back of her head, trying to let him know that he was about to blow, but his teacher didn’t even seem to notice. She kept sucking with the same speed and intensity even as he blasted his hot load of cum into the back of her throat, drinking it all down without flinching.

  Afterwards, she lifted her head up and tucked his package away neatly. She was quick and efficient, and smiled at him as she leaned back into her seat.

  “I didn’t mean to do that,” she said. “You…have a certain effect on me, it would seem.”

  “Well, that’s kind of understandable,” he said. “Don’t worry, it will be our little secret. Along with what happened at the school.”

  There was silence for a moment in the car. Zack found himself thinking about the previous night, and felt like he could trust his teacher, just like she was trusting him.

  “Last night, the killer…he struck again,” he said. “I saw him again. I saw the person he killed. But there is no sign of it today.”

  Ms. Wade’s face seemed to suddenly drain of color. She opened her mouth, and then closed it, and then opened it again, finally finding the words.