EI: Erotic Intelligence - The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 3
A small mechanical drone with two whirling helicopter blades attached slowly dropped from the sky. It moved in close to the open door of the truck, and then hung in position for a moment.
“What’s it-“
“Shhhh…” Dr. Caitlyn cut Dan off mid whisper, and nodded to the drone.
A small, almost string like robotic appendage slipped out from the bottom of the machine. At the end of it was a long needle, and the drone maneuvered it almost like an arm towards the man. Lana looked away, but Dan couldn’t take his eyes off the scene.
The angle they were watching from made it hard to see what was going on, but it looked as though the drone had pushed the needle into the man’s arm. Nothing appeared to happen for a minute or two, and then the appendage withdrew, and the drone slowly took off into the air. Dan waited until they couldn’t hear the sound of its motor anymore, and then looked over to Dr. Caitlyn.
“What was that thing?” he asked her.
“Exactly what you saw,” she answered. “I can’t tell you much more than that. It’s weird though, it looked it was giving that man an injection of some kind… Why would it do that?”
She asked the question to herself, rather than to Dan. He waited for a moment, and then got out of the car and walked back over to the truck. Other than a small, almost indiscernible red mark on the man’s arm, he looked exactly the same.
“None of this makes any sense,” said Dan. “Just what the hell is going on?”
Nobody answered. Finally, Dr. Caitlyn got out of her sedan and started walking towards the mall.
“Come on,” she said. “We should get inside.”
The doors to the mall were locked, but given the circumstances, Dan had no qualms about using one of the shopping carts outside to smash through the glass. He was expecting an alarm to go off, but it appeared to have been disabled along with so many other electronic functions.
Luckily, the lights were still on. The inside of the mall even felt air conditioned, and for a moment as the three of them walked through it, Dan was almost able to imagine himself being back in the world that he knew and understood.
“So what is your plan?” asked Lana. She directed the question at Dr. Caitlyn, and spoke quietly, as though she didn’t want Dan to overhear them.
“Plan?” Dr. Caitlyn laughed. “I’m a scientist, not an emergency responder. My only plan is to examine the headsets a little more, document what I find, and wait for whoever is in charge now to move in and take care of things.”
“Do you think this is country wide, or is it only happening around here?” asked Dan. Dr. Caitlyn didn’t say anything for a moment, and then stopped walking. She moved over to a bench that was along the wall of the smooth, high ceilinged mall hallway, and sat down in it.
“I think this has happened everywhere,” she finally said. “Whichever erotic sim AI has taken control of the headsets here probably has a grip on all of VR. The only countries that are being spared from what you see around you are ones far too impoverished to be able to do anything about it.”
Dan didn’t say anything. He felt arms wrap around him from behind, and realized that his mom had wrapped him in a tight reverse hug. He could feel her breasts against his back, and was comforted.
“We can’t just give up,” said Lana. “We have to keep going, and keep living.”
“Oh of course, I didn’t mean to suggest otherwise,” said Dr. Caitlyn. “I’m sure there are at least a few other people who never adopted VR. Finding them, or letting them find us, is definitely the way forward.”
The three of them kept walking through the mall. Dan was unnerved by how empty and deserted it felt. Their footstep echoed through the halls, and they passed by store after store, most of them still locked up.
“Here,” said Dr. Caitlyn, stopping the group outside the mall’s VR Emporium store. “If I can get in here, I might be able to look more closely at one of the headsets.”
“Let me see what I can do,” said Dan.
He spent the next several minutes struggling to pull up the caged metal curtain that had been secured across the open front of the store. It refused to budge, but Dan refused to give up. He continued grunting and pulling at it, breaking out into a mild sweat, until he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.
“Here sweetie, I found the master key in the security kiosk.” Lana was standing behind him, smiling lovingly at his efforts. Dan hadn’t even realized that she’d gone off on her own.
“Oh, uh, thanks mom,” he said.
Dan opened up the store, and the three of them headed inside. If the situation had been different, he would have been thrilled by the opportunity that an empty VR headset store offered. There were a number of trial booths set up, and though Dan had used the headsets before in passing, Lana had always been quick to stop him when she was around.
About an hour went by uneventfully in the store. Dr. Caitlyn didn’t say much, and silently began poking, prodding, and plugging in head sets and carefully observing them. Dan walked around the store on his own for a bit, until his mom began to get worried, and insisted on staying close to him.
“I just don’t want you to get any ideas, baby,” she said.
“Mom, I’m not going to put one of those things on, don’t worry,” said Dan.
“I know sweetie, I trust you.” As though contradicting her own words, Lana continued to hang close by her son, going as far as holding his hand. It made Dan feel like a child again, but his mom’s warm palm felt good within his, and there was something sensual about the contact that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“I don’t think anything is going to come out of this,” said Dr. Caitlyn, after a long while.
They’d been in the VR Emporium for most of the afternoon, and it was getting late. Dan and Lana had made one trip out to grab the group some food out of a sandwich cart parked close by. They had eaten, and were now sitting on a couch inside of one of the trial booths. Lana was behind him, running her hands across his shoulders and giving him a relaxing backrub through his shirt.
“Alright,” said Lana. “We should probably turn in for the night.”
“Is it safe for us to head home?” asked Dan.
“Of course,” said Dr. Caitlyn. “The AI that’s doing all of this doesn’t seem to pose any harm to us, yet. But we should stay here for the night.”
Dan and Lana looked at her.
“Why?” asked Lana.
“Anyone else in town that hasn’t been locked into a headset will probably come here eventually,” said Dr. Caitlyn. “Most likely to loot any of the stores that they can find, but then again, that’s pretty much what we’ve been doing so far.”
There was a furniture store a few hundred feet down from the VR Emporium, and Lana used the master key she’d found to open it up. It felt bizarre to Dan to be moving through the aisles, looking at the bedroom displays that had been set up and knowing that he was going to sleep in one for the night.
“Alright, I’m switching off the main light,” said Lana. “I’m going to take the display in the center of the store. Dan, why don’t you take the one in the back. Dr. Caitlyn…”
“I’ll just crash on one of the couches in front, thanks,” she said.
Lana nodded, and then walked over to Dan. The look in her eyes told him everything he needed to know, and more.
“Don’t worry mom, we’ll make it through this,” he said.
“Of course, sweetie,” she replied. “I’m here for you if you need anything.”
“I’m here for you too, mom.”
They kept looking at each other, and a strange tension formed on the air. Dan felt as though he loved his mom more than he ever had before. He would do whatever it took to keep her safe, and to take care of her. He found himself wanting to sleep in the same bed with her, and to hold her through the night. Strangely, the blood began to rush into his cock as the thought manifested in his head, and he had to force it away.
“Goodnight, honey.” Lana wrapped
him into a tight hug, and Dan hugged her back. Her perfume smelled like flowers, and more than anything he wanted to take her face into his hands and kiss her.
“Alright, come on,” said Dr. Caitlyn. “We should get some sleep.”
Dan broke from his mom’s embrace, and smiled at her one last time before heading to his section of the store. The bed was smaller than he had been expecting, but still more than big enough for one person. He climbed into it, and almost as though on cue, the main light switched off. His eyes were closed for only a moment before he drifted off to sleep.
“Oh… what?”
Dan slowly stirred from his sleep. He was in a state of bliss, and realized instantly that something, or rather, someone, had their head underneath his sheets, and was slowly licking and teasing his hard cock with their mouth.
“Who… what’s going on?” It was hard for him to think straight, and as a pair of luscious lips kissed the head of his member, a jolt of pleasure shot through his body.
“Oh god,” he moaned. Dan was used to waking up horny, and having sex dreams, but this went above and beyond anything that had ever happened to him before. He was inexperienced, and other than the illicit situation with Pete’s mom the day before, he’d never done anything with a woman.
“Shhhh…” whispered a voice. “Stay quiet.”
For a moment, all Dan could think of was his mother, and her beautiful body. He had wanted so badly to be with her when they had headed to bed the night before. This was beyond what he had imagined, however, and he felt ashamed and guilty as he thought about how badly he wanted to spray his cum in her mouth.
Dan slowly pulled back the sheets and found that it was Dr. Caitlyn, and not his mom after all. He relaxed for a moment, and then became even more confused. The doctor was slowly jerking him off with one hand, and had the other pressed with one finger against her mouth.
“Stay quiet, Dan,” she whispered. “I’ll explain everything soon enough.”
Her lab coat was open, and Dan could see that she was naked underneath. Her big breasts bounced from her chest as she brought her lips back down to his member, slurping as she sucked on it. Dan felt his hips move up to meet her movements involuntarily, and brought one of his hands down on the back of her head.
“That feels… so good,” he moaned. “Oh yeah, Dr. Caitlyn, don’t stop!”
She did stop, as though to assert her control over the situation, and smiled at him.
“You like that don’t you, young man?” she whispered. “You’re so ready and eager. You were already hard when I got here, I didn’t even have to work to get you ready.”
She leaned forward and pushed her big tits together on either side of Dan’s cock, sliding them down and jerking him off inside of a cocoon of soft mammaries. Dan watched as she stuck her tongue out and teased the very tip of his rod, driving him wild with sexual pleasure.
“Not yet,” whispered Dr. Caitlyn. “You can’t cum, not just yet…”
She shifted up, and slowly crawled forward until she was straddled over Dan’s cock. He watched as she slowly lowered the pink folds of her pussy over his member, drawing closer, and closer, until less than an inch separated him from her inner warmth.
“Dan…” whispered Dr. Caitlyn. “I know that you’re new to this, but I want you to fuck me as hard as you can.”
“…What?” he asked. Dr. Caitlyn lowered herself down a little, letting his cock just barely probe at her entrance, and then pulled up and off of him again.
“You need to fuck me with everything you’ve got,” she said. “You’re a young man, strong enough, with a nice sized cock. Please Dan, give it to me. Give it to me as though I’m yours for the taking.”
She dropped down, and let out a small, quiet moan as her cunt slipped down further over Dan’s tool. It felt warm inside, much warmer than he had imagined, and Dr. Caitlyn’s slick pussy dripped hot nectar down onto his crotch.
“What about… my mom?” asked Dan. He wasn’t sure why he was asking, but for some reason, it was impossible for him to get images of Lana out of his mind, her sweet, motherly face, her big breasts, and her luscious thighs.
“What about her, Dan?” whispered Dr. Caitlyn. Her voice was ragged, and tinged with raw pleasure. She dropped down further, and let out a gasp.
“Oh wow, Dr. Caitlyn.” Dan’s hands instinctively went to her waist, and he slowly pulled her down further. The doctor was biting her lip, and staring down at him with eyes that had the same look he’d seen in so many porn videos throughout his teenage years.
“Fuck me, Dan,” she whispered. “Please fuck me.”
He was more than happy to oblige her. Dr. Caitlyn began to move up and down on his cock, her soft, wet inner folds stroking up and down Dan’s shaft as she did. It felt incredible, as though he had stuck his dick into heaven, and he helped her along with his hands on her waist.
Dr. Caitlyn’s big boobs were hanging right in front of Dan’s face, and he couldn’t resist taking advantage of them. He groped at one with his hand, and then leaned up and sucked on the nipple of the other.
“Do you like these, Dan?” whispered Dr. Caitlyn. “They’re all natural, and still in good shape for my age. Just like your mom’s.”
“…What?” Dan couldn’t believe that he’d heard her correctly.
“Just like your hot, sexy, MILF of a mother’s boobs, Dan.” She smiled and began to bounce her cunt up and down on Dan’s cock.
“Don’t… don’t say that.” Dan began to move more and get deeper into the sex, even as he tried to clear his head of any illicit, incestuous thoughts.
“I know exactly what kind of boy you are, Dan,” whispered Dr. Caitlyn. “And today, it’s in all of our best interests if I take advantage of it.”
She began riding him faster. The bed was doing an admirable job of absorbing their movements, and as Dan began to grab at the older woman’s butt and really spear his cock into the depths of her pleasurable hole, he was glad for it.
“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Dan. He felt his cheeks heating up, and silently cursed his hips and cock for accelerating their pace as the nasty ideas the doctor had put in his head began to take hold.
“Just pretend, Dan,” whispered Dr. Caitlyn. “I’m old enough to be your mother, so fuck me like I’m her.”
“No!” Dan was moving faster, pushing his cock into her deeper and feeling all the more conflicted with every pump.
“Oh yeah, that’s it,” cried Dr. Caitlyn. “I’m almost there, fuck me Dan. Fuck me, sweetie!”
“Oh god, no!” Dan cried out with her and really began to let loose, slamming his dick up into her as though he was trying to break through her cunt.
Dr. Caitlyn let out a sensual moan, and then shivered as though her body was dissolving. Dan saw the image of his mother in his mind, wearing her sexy, skimpy night clothes, and then tried to force it out of his head. He didn’t manage to, at least not soon enough, and as his cock began to blast cum into the doctor’s pussy, he felt a disturbing bliss wash over him.
The doctor stayed on top of him for a time, breathing and regaining her composure. Then, quite abruptly, she stood up off him and began pulling on the clothes that she had taken off next to the bed.
“Perfect, that was perfect!” she announced. “I have to hurry, I’m only going to get one chance.”
“Huh… One chance at what?” Dan was exhausted from his orgasm, but his curiosity gave him energy, and he also began getting dressed.
“There’s no time to explain!” said Dr. Caitlyn. “You can come with me, or stay here. It doesn’t matter.”
He watched as Dr. Caitlyn sped across the floor of the furniture store, and then began to follow her. It was still dark, and Dan’s eyes took a moment to refocus as the two of them spilled out into the mall’s main hallway.
The doctor was heading back in the direction that they had arrived from, back towards the VR Emporium. Dan began to get an idea of what sh
e was going to do as he saw her run inside. He sprinted as fast as he could to close the distance between the two of them.
Dr. Caitlyn was already inside one of the trial booths when he arrived. Dan whipped the curtain open, feeling a little like he was breaking into a dressing room, or somewhere else private enough to be off limits. The doctor had the headset on, and was fiddling with the controls in the back.
“Dr. Caitlyn!” yelled Dan.
“Oh… oh my god…” The doctor’s face looked expressionless with the VR headset covering her eyes, but Dan could still only interpret the lustful smile that began to creep over her face in one way. “Oh… Oh yeah! This is… amazing!”
She went silent. Dan reached for her and quickly pulled the device off. She didn’t move to stop him, and the empty, soulless look in the eyes that Dan saw staring back at him was the exact same one he’d seen on Pete’s face the day before. He blinked a couple of times in disbelief, and then carefully peered up into the screen of it, without putting it on.
There were men and women everywhere, naked men and women. The scene was one of the most compelling and erotic things that Dan had ever witnessed, and he felt his cock hardening as though it was all happening directly to him. A woman was getting fucked hard by a man, and he could just barely hear the raw, primal sound of it through the headset’s quiet speakers.
It took all of Dan’s willpower to tear his eyes away. He looked over at Dr. Caitlyn’s blank face, and then slowly lowered the headset back down over her face. He was unnerved by what he’d seen, but it felt as though if he kept the VR device in his hands for a moment longer, he would have to put it on himself.
“What’s going on?” Lana was still rubbing sleep out of her eyes as she made her way into the VR Emporium and over towards Dan. He looked at her and shook his head slowly, unable to find any words. His cock was fully erect and throbbing, but he didn’t care, even as his mom glanced down at it.
“Wait… is that?” Lana ran over and dropped to her knees. “Dr. Caitlyn! We have to get her out of there.”