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Natural Hormone Therapy 2 (Taboo Erotica) (NHT) Page 2
Natural Hormone Therapy 2 (Taboo Erotica) (NHT) Read online
Page 2
Ben took a slow breath. He wasn’t sure if she was teasing him or coming onto him, but he was sick of letting members of the opposite sex get under his skin so easily, be it his mom, his psychiatrist, or anyone else.
“My mom and I have continued with the intimacy therapy,” said Ben. “We’ve been finding it a little, well, hard, to keep up with the treatment.”
“Ooh, Ben,” said Dr. Kim. Her hand slid a little further up his thigh. “That is quite the hard problem.”
Ben knew better than to let his reaction show. He was turned on. After seeing Dr. Kim in the middle of her fun, it was challenging not to be.
“Yeah,” he said, simply. “She’s gotten it into her head that it’s, uh, more sexual, than it really is.”
Ben frowned. He’d been over this before in his head. It was like debating against himself, or rather, having the stereotypical devil and angel halves of his conscience duke it out. It wasn’t sexual, and it was just a treatment. But it was sexual, and he wanted to take it further.
“Your mom thinks that it’s wrong…” whispered Dr. Kim. “…to encourage you to stroke off?”
She let her hand run across Ben’s hardness as she spoke. A hot shiver went up his spine. At the same time, he felt a little angry. He could sense something less than forthcoming in Dr. Kim’s behavior, and it was clear that she cared less about his therapy and more about teasing him.
“Can you call her, maybe?” asked Ben. “And talk with her? The treatment has been helping me, and I don’t want her to stop.”
“Ooh, it’s been helping you.” Her voice was like a horny cat’s, a deep, mewling purr. “I bet you want me to tell her to help you even more.”
She squeezed Ben’s cock and slowly licked her lips. It was one of the most arousing things he’d ever seen in his life, but somehow, he knew it was just for show. Dr. Kim was a woman that craved control, and if Ben tried his fumbling, teenaged advances on her, she’d most likely swat him down.
“You can tell her whatever you want,” said Ben. He forced himself to his feet, pulling his crotch out of her reach.
“Hey, we were just getting started!” said Dr. Kim. Ben smirked at her.
“It’s hard for me to tell sometimes, whether you’re getting started, or wasting my time.”
She stood up, and more importantly, stood within inches of Ben, close enough for him to feel her heat.
“Your treatment has been working,” she said. “And you’re such a strapping young man.”
She moved in even closer, wrapping her thigh around Ben’s leg, and grazing it against his cock. It took all of his willpower to keep from throwing her down onto the couch.
“I’ll call your mom and chat with her,” she said. “But we’re going to have to have an extended session. Not now, of course. But soon.”
Instead of answering her, Ben reached his hand around to her skirt. She looked surprised when his fingers slipped underneath it, and even more so when he ran them across her hot, wet panties.
“We will,” said Ben. “But not now.”
The room was hot and primed for sex. Only by turning away and not looking back did Ben manage to make it to the door and back out into the hallway. He stood for several minutes at the bottom door, trying to relax.
Ben arrived back at his house after half an hour of pleasant walking through the beautiful early summer weather. He felt good, and began mentally making plans to go swimming or go for a hike, or to do something that would get him outside of the house for the day.
He heard loud arguing coming from inside his living room and frowned as he opened the front door. It made sense once he’d taken his shoes off and rounded the corner. His mother was standing with her hands on her hips, facing off against Luciana Martinez.
Luciana was the director of the Pinecross Players, the town’s local theater company. She was the same age as Ben’s mother, and had, in fact, gone to school with her. Her skin was tan, her hair was jet black, and her face looked as though it belonged on a South American pop star, with smooth, clear skin and a flirty smile.
Her large breasts and butt gave her body a certain voluptuous quality without approaching plump or chubby. She had a lot to offer any man that could keep up with her, and from what Ben had heard, it had been a point of contention between his mom and Luciana back when they were teenagers.
“And here is the man in question,” said Luciana. She was wearing a slender white blouse, a button or two left undone at the top to expose her cleavage and a hint of bra. Beneath it, she had on a black skirt and pantyhose.
“The man in question is my son,” snapped Alexa. “And he’s been having a rough summer! I don’t think the added stress of-“
“You don’t know what he wants!” said Luciana. “And just maybe, what he wants isn’t something you can give him!”
Alexa glared at Luciana, managing to make the cloth robe she had on look almost regal around her shoulders.
“I did not invite you inside to stand in my living room and insult me!” she shouted. “I’ve had just about enough of this.“
“Hey!” Ben stepped in between the two women. “Easy, you two!”
He pressed a hand on his mom’s shoulder to move her back a respectable distance. His other hand went to do the same with Luciana, but he wasn’t looking in her direction. It ended up touching something soft and heavenly, and when he turned to look at her, he saw her smiling through a blush as his fingers groped her breast.
“Whoops!” Ben pulled his hand back and put held them up. “But uh, my point still stands! What’s this about?”
Alexa opened her mouth to start in, but Luciana beat her to it.
“I was merely stopping by to see why you haven’t returned any of my phone calls,” said Luciana. “Rehearsals begin tomorrow.”
Ben raised an eyebrow at that.
“Your phone calls?” He pulled out his cell phone and shook his head. “Wait, I put down the number for the… home phone.”
He turned his gaze to the family’s old-fashioned wireless phone and then snapped it to his mom. She wouldn’t meet his eyes, and the shame in her body language spoke louder than words.
“Are you serious?” he shouted. “Mom, why would you keep this from me?”
“Ben, I want what’s best for you,” she said. “I know you’ve been in a dark place recently, and-“
“Mom, no.” Ben shook his head. “Just… no. I don’t care what you have to say. Between this and the, uh, other thing. I can’t believe it.”
Alexa’s emotions shifted from shame into anger in a flash. She glared at Luciana, and then looked at Ben with a determined expression.
“I do what I think is best for you, Ben,” she said. “That’s my duty as a mother!”
She turned and walked upstairs, not looking back at them. Ben waited until he heard the door to her room shut before shaking his head and looking back at Luciana.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I don’t know what’s going on in her head, sometimes.”
Luciana smiled, her eyes twinkling slightly as they met his.
“She’s your mother,” she said. “It’s in her nature to want to protect you. But I think she’ll understand if you want to do the play, especially given the role I want to put you in.”
Ben raised an eyebrow at her and couldn’t stop a burgeoning smile from spreading onto his face.
“What role?” he asked.
Luciana took a step toward him and then leaned her face in toward his, almost conspiratorially.
“I want you to play Romeo,” she said.
Ben’s emotions flickered through the entire range as he processed what she’d just said. He felt surprised, confused, nervous, and above all else, overjoyed.
“Luciana!” Ben grinned and pulled her into a tight hug. “Thank you!”
He kissed once on each cheek as though it was the most natural thing in the world. It wasn’t until he saw her staring at his lips that he realized that he was moving
to kiss her on the mouth, as well.
“Well,” said Luciana. “It’s nice to see that you’re excited about the role.”
She shifted against him, and Ben realized that he had an erection, and it was pressed almost directly between her thighs. He let out an embarrassed cough and released her, though Luciana didn’t seem reluctant about staying in his arms.
“When do rehearsals start?” he asked.
“Tomorrow morning.” Luciana straightened her blouse. “You’d better practice that script I gave you.”
She blew him a kiss and headed for the door.
Ben spoke very little with his mother for the rest of the day. He spent most of it in his room, trying to memorize an ungodly number of lines in a frustratingly short span of time. Alexa made dinner and called him down for it, but he could tell by her demeanor that she wasn’t interested in eating together. He brought the plate up to his room and continued reading lines through mouthfuls of sausage and potatoes.
The next morning came far too quickly for his liking. He didn’t have all of his lines inscribed on the inside of his head. It was an impossibility to do within a day. But he still felt good, and he showered and dressed quickly before heading out the door.
He made it to the Pinecross Theater shortly before nine. There were a few girls around his age making their way inside as he walked up the steps. Ben didn’t recognize them from his school and was more than a little glad for it. The idea of playing the role of Romeo was already daunting enough without further complications.
About two dozen cast members in total were gathered in the seats in front of the stage. Ben was apparently one of the last to arrive, which he mentally chastised himself for. He made his way down to the front of the theater and took a seat next to an attractive, albeit slightly plump redheaded girl.
“Hi,” she said. “You made it just in time. The director said she’d start the introductions in a couple of minutes.”
“Perfect,” he said. “I’m Ben.”
She held out her hand, and Ben shook it. He slowly pivoted his head around to see the rest of the cast, expecting to recognize at least a few faces. Surprisingly, they were almost all new to him, and even more surprising was how young and attractive everyone was. Jessie was probably the least impressive of all the women in the theater, and even she had a rather cute face.
Before he could continue any further down that line of thought, Luciana appeared from one of the wings and walked out to the center of the stage. She was wearing a thin, gray summer dress and that was it. She wore no shoes, and oddly, it didn’t look as though she was wearing a bra, either.
“Welcome.” She slowly drew her eyes across the assembled cast. “It’s good to see all of you here this morning. There are a few things I want to make abundantly clear before we get started.”
Her eyes lingered on Ben for a moment, and a curious smile spread across her lips.
“I would like everyone that’s been in a theater production before as a member of the main cast to raise their hand.,” she said.
Everyone other then Ben stuck their hand up in the air. He scratched his head and scowled slightly, feeling more than a couple of eyes lingering on him as the odd man out.
“Forget everything your former directors taught you!” Luciana’s voice was serious and a little harsh. “I am a demanding woman. I want performances from you that go beyond anything you’ve ever done before!”
She paused, letting the silence hover for a moment before continuing.
“If any of you have any issues with my directing style, or the things I ask you to do, remember that you always have the option to leave.” She slowly set her hands on her hips. “But I will not deviate from my interpretation of the script, so don’t bother trying to argue with me.”
Ben looked around, a little curious at what the reaction of the other members of the cast would be. Some of them looked a little taken aback, but the majority were on the edge of their seats, drawn in by Luciana’s intensity.
“The play we will be performing is called ‘The Lust of Romeo’, as I’m sure you all know,” said Luciana. “I intend for the audience to feel the lust. That may require some of you to push past your boundaries, and give performances that are much more vivid than what you’ve done in the past. If any of you take issue with that, please, speak now.”
Nobody said a thing. Luciana nodded and slipped her hands along her hair, pulling it back behind her shoulders and pushing her breasts forward against the thin fabric of her dress.
“Alright then,” she said, after a few seconds. “Let’s begin.”
She picked up a clipboard from the edge of the stage and started the roll call, using both the names of the actors and their characters. Ben still didn’t recognize any of his fellow cast, but he made a mental note of who was who.
“Mika,” said Luciana. “My Juliette.”
“Here.” The girl that spoke up was sitting a few seats down from Ben. She had shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, and a vaguely eastern european accent.
“Ben,” said Luciana. “The star of the show, Romeo!”
“Here,” said Ben.
He immediately felt the eyes of everyone in the room hone onto him. Luciana was silent, as though she wanted the cast to take a minute to consider him, the person she’d cast in the hardest role of the entire play. He could see a couple of the other guys shooting looks at him. After a few seconds, he smiled, nodded, and coughed uncomfortably into the crook of his arm.
“Alright,” said Luciana. “We will be jumping around quite a bit early on. Some scenes will take precedent over others, of course. I’d like to start with the party scene, where Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time.”
Ben looked over at Mika. She met his gaze with a curious, almost flirtatious smile. The guy sitting next to her, a dark-haired teenager that had been one of the ones glaring at Ben earlier, put his hand around her possessively.
“Romeo, huh?” said Jessie. “Looks like you hit the jackpot.”
She poked him playfully in the ribs and licked her lips.
“Yeah, I guess so,” said Ben.
Ben stood onstage, one hand holding his script, and the other nervously fidgeting against his leg. It was suddenly much, much harder for him to remember his lines, and even the basic plot of the play, than it had been the night before.
They were still setting up the scene. Luciana moved people into different spots onstage, setting up the blocking and continuing to work out specific details in her head. Mika stood across from Ben with her nose buried in her script. She had on a pink sweatshirt over black leggings, and standing up, it was easy for Ben to see how tall she was. He wasn’t sure, but she looked to be either even with him or maybe even an inch or so taller.
“Ben,” said Luciana. “You aren’t nearly close enough. This is passed the part where the two of you are gazing at each other from across the room.”
She wrapped an arm around his waist and all but hauled him over to where Mika was standing. Luciana then put a hand on Mika’s back and shoved her in closer to Ben.
“Hmmm…” Luciana looked back and forth between the two of them. “Read your first line, Ben. I need to hear how it sounds at this distance.”
“Uh, okay…” Ben flipped through his script, trying to multitask finding the right page with falling into character. “Here we go. Uh, may I have the next dance?”
Luciana scoffed. She reeled her hand back as though she was about to slap him across the face. Ben flinched back and didn’t relax even after she’d composed herself.
“That was awful,” said Luciana. “I need to see your heart! Your soul! And be more forceful!”
She grabbed Ben’s hand and pulled it to Mika’s hip. Mika opened her mouth slightly in surprise.
“Say the line again,” said Luciana. “Like you mean it!”
Ben took a deep breath. He looked into Mika’s eyes
, feeling a bit more focused.
“May I have the next dance?”
Mika, now acting the part of Juliette, smiled at him.
“You are quite forward,” she said, her accent adding an interesting quality to the words.
“I am,” said Ben. “And you are quite beautiful.”
Mika’s smile broadened.
“Perhaps…” she said slowly. “I can skip a few of your friends, and dance with you first.”
“Yes!” Luciana clapped her hands together and grinned at the two of them. “Much, much better. Now, head over here and have a seat, Romeo, and allow Juliet to dance for you.”
Luciana led him over to a plastic, metal-legged chair on the side of the stage and pushed him down into it. Ben raised an eyebrow, not remembering enough of the script to know exactly what was going on.
“Uh…” He scratched his head. “Luciana, I thought this was when Romeo and Juliet danced together?”
She shot him a bemused look and then smiled.
“Juliet dances for Romeo,” she said. “Juliet, why don’t you jump on in and give the dancing a try?”
Mika nodded and walked over to Ben, who was trying to do his best to keep his confusion off his face. He watched as Mika slowly reached out and ran a finger across his chest, and then began to move.
There were a couple of inches of space in between the two of them, but that didn’t keep the suggestive movements of Mika’s hips or the way she wiggled her chest in front of Ben’s face, from being incredibly hot. He heard someone mutter something derisive sounding from stage right, and looked over to see the guy that’d put his arm around Mika earlier glaring at him.
“Closer!” said Luciana. “This needs to look real.”
She began to physically move Mika, spreading her legs and positioning her directly over Ben. When Mika started to dance again, she was up against him. Luciana pushed her upper body down even further, forcing Mika’s breasts to glide across his face.
“Alright,” said Luciana. “Better. Now turn around.”