Home Temptation Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Story Bundle) Read online

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  “What are you watching?” she asked. Dave scrambled to change the channel, and then pulled a sheet over his lap as an afterthought.

  “Nothing” he said. The look on Lana’s face was one of mild skepticism. Still wearing only a towel, she walked across his field of view and over to the small kitchen area.

  “I need some more soap for the bathroom, I think there might be some in this top cabinet” she said. The cabinet seemed to be just a little too high up, and she pulled herself onto the very tips of her toes to try and reach it. Her towel seemed to ride up with her, bringing the bottom of her naked butt into clear focus for Dave. He was quite surprised that it stayed on her as she stretched her arms up. Her wet hair dripped water on the ground, and the whole scene seemed to be something designed to be overtly suggestive.

  “Here, let me help” said Dave. His main concern was getting his mom back into the bathroom before his cock became too excited. It was hard enough to imagine sharing a hotel room with her for the night without bringing a raging erection into the mix. He walked up behind Lana and reached over her into the cabinet.

  “Oh, thank you” she said, stepping slightly away from the cabinet and unintentionally pushing her exposed ass right against Dave’s sensitive cock. He felt it, and had to fight the temptation to grind his hips against her.

  “It might be deep in there” she said, not moving.

  “Oh yeah? Let me see just how deep I can get” Dave reached higher up into the cabinet and pushed his crotch against his mom’s butt. She was still warm from the hot shower, and the softness of her flesh reminded Dave of the truck ride, spurring on his hardness and making him want to see how far he can take things.

  “Thanks, Dave” she said. “You’re always so helpful.”

  Dave finally found the soap in the back of the cabinet, and as he pulled it out, his mother turned to face him directly. He presented it to her with a smile, and she leaned in, giving him a hug as a reward. He felt his hard cock sliding up against her flesh as he reciprocated, pulling her against him.

  “This whole situation has been so frustrating” she said. “You’ve been so helpful this entire time, it really makes me happy.”

  “I know, mom” he said, still hugging her. Several more seconds passed, and the line between a safe, motherly hug seemed to have been crossed. Dave was grinding his body against his mom, entranced by the feeling of his hardness rubbing against her. “It’s been a little frustrating for me, too.”

  “If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know” Lana said, twisting up to look him in the eyes. As she did, the unthinkable happened, and her towel fell to the ground. Dave ran his eyes over her body, absorbing the image of his mother’s perfect curves, soft pink nipples, and clean shaven and inviting cunt into his mind. The two of them continued holding each other for a split second afterwards, and then Lana seemed to snap out of it.

  “Oh, jesus!” She grabbed her towel and raced back into the bathroom.

  “Mom, do you need any help?” Dave asked as he heard the door shut. “I can come in, if you do.”

  More than anything he wanted into that bathroom. He had never felt so aroused and horny in his life. He also felt like he’d done something wrong, with his mother taking flight after the hug like that. But he didn’t care. His cock was hard, and he wanted to go into the bathroom and be with his step mom. He wanted to show her the state that she’d put him in.

  “I’m fine Dave!” She yelled through the door. “Wait out there, I, I need a minute alone.”

  It took about twenty minutes before Lana was finally ready to come out. When she did, Dave immediately saw just from the look on her face exactly how much trouble she was having properly identifying and coping with what had just happened.

  “It’s fine for us to hug, Dave” she said. “Just from now on, we probably shouldn’t do it when I’m only wearing a towel.”

  Dave settled his things into the apartment and changed into another set of clothes. Lana shouted through the bathroom door that she was headed down to the lobby to get some info on the local attractions, and he heard the door shut as she left. His dick was still semi erect, but he unfortunately recognized that there just wasn’t any time for it. Later, perhaps, he thought. But at the same time, the idea of doing it in the bathroom of a hotel room, and then having to share a bed with his mom the entire night was a little unsettling to him. Or worse, what if he felt the need to take care of himself during the night, or had a sex dream, with his mom right there in the bed? He forced the thoughts out of his mind and headed out into the hallway to grab Liz and Tara. They were leaving their room right as he left his.

  “Hey baby bro” said Tara. Her face looked refreshed and she and Liz were both in new outfits. It wasn’t hard for Dave to make the connection to what they’d been up to, but he tried to not let it show on his face.

  “Hey you two” he said. “How was the movie?”

  Tara and Liz shared a secretive, coy smile.

  “Fine” they both replied in perfect unison.

  “Hey, sorry you got stuck having to share a room, too” said Tara. “I realize it kind of takes the fun out of being at a hotel when you’re in such a small space, bumping elbows with your mom.”

  “Yeah, it’s definitely a small room” said Dave. They’d already bumped more than just that, he thought, feeling slightly guilty and weirded out by the fact that his dick still felt so excited. “Anyway, what I really need right now is to just get some food.”

  “We’re going to get more than that” said Tara. “Liz says there’s a great club just a couple of blocks from here. 18+, I say we check it out and do some dancing.”

  “Mom is not going to be down to just let us take off to a club” Dave said. “She’s not exactly the open minded type.”

  “Then let’s bring her with us, I’m sure she’ll manage to have fun after a drink or two.”

  The three of them made their way down to the lobby and met up with Lana, who was getting directions from the girl behind the desk. She looked amazing in her outfit, sporting a short cotton skirt that showed off her luscious hips and sexy thighs, along with a nice sweater that clung to her frame in a way that somehow managed to be both appropriate and suggestive at the same time.

  “Hey you three” she said as they walked up. “Apparently there is a really nice burger joint right down the road that we can walk to.”

  “Burgers?” Tara said, rolling her eyes. “Can’t we eat somewhere nice?”

  “It’s the only place that’s nearby that doesn’t require a reservation, no arguments” Lana said.

  They walked as a group down the road towards the restaurant, Tara and Liz following Dave and Lana. Dave looked over his shoulder at one point and was mildly surprised to see the two of them holding hands. They were not really trying all that hard to be subtle, he thought. He looked over at his mom. She had her phone out, and was obviously trying to navigate with it, reading street signs as they went and double checking. Her outfit was phenomenal, as Dave had noticed before. His eyes were drawn immediately to her breasts, and even though the sweater didn’t show much skin, the shape and size of them was still apparent enough to make him feel horny and pent up.

  “It should be right up here” Lana said, still staring at her phone.

  “There it is” said Dave, pointing. They were in a downtown area, and there was a good amount of foot traffic, which wasn’t surprising on a Friday night. “And it looks like the club you wanted to check out is right across the street”

  Tara turned to him, surprised that he had brought it up.

  “So yeah mom, I forgot to ask but, is it ok if me and Liz check out what the place is about after we eat?” She asked. “And Dave too, if he wants.”

  The look on Lana’s face was one of obvious concern, mixed with more than a drop of disapproval.

  “Clubs are not good places for people your age” she said. “I know I sound old fashioned, but I’m serious! And especially not one in a city that you
don’t really know well.”

  “Why don’t you come with us then?” Tara asked. “You know you love to dance, come on, it will be fun!”

  Lana frowned silently, but seemed to relent.

  They went into the restaurant and grabbed some food, sitting down to eat in one of the booths by the window. Tara and Liz chatted with each other about dancing, and the clubs they’d each frequented in their home towns. Lana seemed to pout, still annoyed at the conversation outside. Dave listened to all of them, but couldn’t keep his eyes off one of the waitress that was gliding around the tables. She was wearing a low cut top and denim jeans, and seemed to fill out her clothes in a way that allowed for a lot of eye candy. He was so busy watching her that he accidently bumped the table as he reached for his fries, spilling his glass of water all over his crotch.

  “Jeez, Dave!” cried Tara. “Where were you looking?”

  He looked down at his pants, exasperated. “Oh man, they’re soaked.”

  Lana was sitting next to him at the table, and she pulled a small handkerchief out of her bag. “Here, let me dry them off a little.”

  She started dabbing at Dave’s pants, right on top of his package. Tara and Liz were still talking, but Dave felt his attention be pulled immediately down to what was happening between his legs. His mom softly patted on his jeans, and he could feel her hands and the cloth rubbing against his crotch. The water was still cold, and he could feel it seeping in through the fabric, but his mom’s hand seemed to send fire flowing through his cock as she innocently rubbed at his wet crotch.

  “Look at that waitress” Tara said to Liz. “Is that really appropriate work attire?”

  “I know, right?” Liz said agreeing. “Her tits are practically topping out of her top. I’m sure they would completely if she leaned over.”

  Dave’s dick was rapidly growing in size. He was still glancing at the waitress every now and then. In fact, he couldn’t stop himself, especially now that Tara and Liz had made it the topic of their conversation. His mother had slowed down the rhythm of her hand as she dried his crotch, sliding the handkerchief more gently, almost sensually.

  “You know, she’s probably fooled around with guys in this restaurant before.” Tara said. Dave’s cock was now rock hard and he wondered how his mom was managing to ignore it. “I bet she’s even messed around with customers before. Sucked them off in the back room, maybe, or given out a couple of hand jobs.”

  “Tara!” Lana cried. Her hand tightened around Dave’s cock as she did, not tight enough to hurt him, but in a way that clearly went beyond cleaning up a spill.

  “It’s not okay to just assume things about other people” Lana continued. She was stroking Dave’s rock hard cock now, not aware of just how erotic it was for him. He wanted to cum, more than anything, even if it was from the absent minded and accidental hand of his own mother.

  “It doesn’t matter if you think she’s giving hand jobs, or blow jobs, or having sex right in the backroom” Lana said. “If there’s no evidence, then she deserves the same benefit of the doubt as everyone else.

  “Mom’s right” Dave said. He could barely think straight. His cock was aching for release, and it seemed like his mom was willing to give it to him, albeit without realizing it. “If it’s not out in public, it’s nobody’s business beyond those involved. Besides, it’s all natural…sometimes people just need a nice release.”

  “Right, well I mean, yes.” Lana said, standing up and clearing her plate, much to Dave’s despair. His cock was only a soft touch away from going off, and it took all his will power to keep from pulling her hand back and forcing her to finish the job.

  “Besides, it’s a little weird hearing this from you two” she said as she sat back down.

  Tara and Liz froze, and hen shared a very troubled look.

  “I mean the way you dress all the time” Lana continued. “You both might as well be giving the world a free show.”

  Dave finished his food, trying to put the thoughts of sex out of his mind. Tara and Liz mostly chatted about the movie they had supposedly watched for the rest of the meal. Afterword, then the four of them headed out of the restaurant, Tara and Liz leading, and Dave and his mom trailing slightly behind. The club was right across the street, and the bouncer at the door carded all of them on the way in. The place was dimly lit and filled with people, with music blaring so loud that Dave had to strain to hear anything else.

  “Wow, this place is packed” he yelled, looking over at his mom. Tara and Liz were already on the dance floor, and he could see them playfully shaking around and rubbing up on each other.

  “Let’s not stay too long” said Lana. “I don’t really like the look of this place.”

  Dave watched as she pushed her way through a wall of people over to the bar. The bartender seemed to be fielding a string of orders at the same time, and didn’t notice her. Looking around, Dave could see the dance floor filled with a mass of people that seemed to just vibrate to the music. Tara and Liz were now in the middle. He pushed his way forward, and before he knew it, a short and busty college aged girl was grinding herself against the front of his pants. To him, dancing had always just seemed like a precursor to sex. A way of getting to know a potential partner before taking the plunge, and making sure there was a good amount of physical chemistry and excitement. He felt blood rushing to his cock and could tell that at least in this case, the answer was yes.

  He looked over back towards the bar and saw his mom with a drink in her hand, sitting on a bar stool next to a handsome man, whose large muscles were stretching the fabric of his tight t-shirt. The man had his hand on Dave’s mom’s leg and seemed to be caressing her thigh. It seemed unusual to Dave, who knew from experience that his mom was not typically the type to warm quickly to strangers. This guy seemed overly friendly, and his hand was far too high on Lana’s leg for Dave’s comfort.

  Dave was still grinding with his newfound dance partner when he saw the man whisper something into his mom’s ear. She seemed to laugh, and made a movement with her hand as if to playfully shoo him away. Instead, he stood up, and taking her hand in his, he led her out onto the dance floor. Great, thought Dave. His mom loved to dance, but she had never been a fan of taking it too far.

  Or so he thought. Within seconds, the man had positioned himself behind Lana and seemed to be grinding his crotch against her. Dave could see her face quite clearly, and watched it shift through the phases of surprise, confusion, and embarrassment, before finally settling on a slightly bemused look of indulgence. His cock must be right up against her ass, Dave thought.

  The two of them continued to dance, and their movements seemed to grow lewder and less appropriate. Dave’s date had run off to the bar to grab a drink, and he stood there alone, with no distractions or recourse, as he watched a very muscular and very horny man dry hump his step mom. She was enjoying every second of it, and between her half closed eyes and the way she bit the top of her lip slightly, she seemed to give off an aura of heat. The man was now running his hands up Lana’s stomach, and it was obvious where they were heading. She must be really drunk, Dave thought. Part of him wanted to go over and put a stop to it, but the other part of him was getting pulled in by the level of eroticism of what was going on. He wanted to see how far his mom would go, but he also didn’t. He thought about how the situation would play out if he wasn’t here, if all the people in the club weren’t there, and then felt guilty and wrong and pushed the idea out of his head.

  As if reading his mind, the song changed and the man was quickly leading Lana over to one of the private booths in the corner. Those were typically reserved for the high spenders, Dave thought, confused for a moment as to what was happening as the man pulled his mom in after him. The thin silk curtain hid most of the action of what was happening, but Dave could still see silhouettes, and could still see his mom’s hand being pulled down onto the man’s crotch. She seemed to resist for a second, and then something popped out of the man’s pants that was
clearly the shape of a hard cock. Her hand was on it. Dave couldn’t believe it. Her hand was going up and down on it, and her other one seemed to hold steady in front of her mouth in an expression of mock outrage. Seconds pass, and then the man was then pulling Lana’s head down, closer, and closer, until…

  “Dave!” Tara’s friend Liz was suddenly right in front of her face.

  “Uhm, yeah?” Dave asked, distracted. He tried to lean around her to see what was going on in the booth, to no avail.

  “Me and Tara, and uh…our new friend, we’re getting out of here” she said. Dave turned towards where Liz had been looking and saw his sister making out with a very skinny and very androgynous looking guy.

  “Are you kidding me? There’s no way my mom will be alright with…” he trailed off in mid-sentence, the scene in the corner still fresh on his mind.

  “I know, that’s why Tara wants you to distract her for as long as you can, okay?” Liz said. She flashed her eyes at Dave suggestively. “There might be a reward in it for you if you do a good job, just don’t tell your sister. Or your mom, haha.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever.” Dave was distracted, but also sympathetic. He watched as Liz ran off to join up with Tara and their boy toy, feeling slightly jealous. Between that and the last comment Liz had thrown in had also thrown him off, he had assumed they were both completely into women.

  As he turned back towards the dance floor, he saw his mom walking right up to him. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was slightly messier than the last time he’d seen her.

  “Where are Tara and Liz going?” she asked in an impatient tone. Crap, Dave thought. This might be tricky.

  “They ran into somebody they know from school and are walking him back to his car” Dave lied. “He’s really plastered.”

  The skeptical look his mom gave him immediately told him that she wasn’t buying it. It was hard for him to lie to her, and it was made even more difficult by the thoughts of her in the booth that he seemed unable to keep out of his mind. The man’s cock had been out, Dave thought. What did she do?


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