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After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 19
After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Read online
Page 19
The woman didn’t say anything. Jack felt almost like any assumption he could make about her would only be a piece of the entire picture. There was a mysterious confidence to the way she moved and acted that made her seem larger than life, like a heroine from a big budget movie.
They ate their food in silence for a couple of minutes. Jack’s mind wandered and he began to feel anxious about Molly, and his mom.
They’re in the hands of a madman. I have to find some way to get them back.
The woman looked over at him with eerily perceptive eyes. She had just finished eating her food and was in the process of wiping her hands clean on some leaves next to the fire. Slowly, she stood up and walked over to him.
“What are you doing?” asked Jack. “Are you trying to cheer me up? You don’t even know what’s wrong!”
The woman took him by the hand and slowly pulled him to his feet. Jack was expecting his shoulder to cry out in protest, but whatever she had stuffed into it before left it feeling numbed out. He followed her as she slowly led him into the forest.
The two walked together for long minutes, maybe an hour. Jack followed the woman at the fastest pace he could travel. Every step she took was neat and silent, like the stories that he’d heard of Native American trackers moving in alignment with nature.
She would stop every once in a while and wait for Jack to catch up, and he as grateful for it. His body still ached all over, and he was tired.
Where is she taking me? I don’t understand…
Jack felt like he was walking in circles. He was pretty sure that it was intentional, a way of making sure that he wouldn’t be able to find her camp again if he wanted to, and it was working. He had no sense of where they were in the gorge, and which way was north or south.
As if reality itself was trying to reinforce his conclusion, Jack followed the woman out into a clearing and discovered that they were just across the river from his old camp. Dimitri’s destruction was obvious from a distance, and his heart sank as he stared at what he’d hoped was going to be his new home.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Jack watched as the woman ran forward into the water, making only the slightest of splashes as she pushed her way into the river. He followed behind her, taking tremendous care to keep his shoulder from getting wet.
As soon as they’d made it to the other side, the woman began taking stock of the camp. There were still a couple of things left untouched. Jack’s sleeping bag was underneath the logs that had once been the lean-to he’d worked so hard on. His stone ax was next to the fire pit, completely ignored.
Is she going to take what’s left? What’s the point anymore?
The woman glanced over her shoulder at him expectantly. Jack walked a little deeper into the camp, and watched with a mild sense of surprise as she began lifting up the logs and putting the lean-to’s roof back into place.
“Why?” asked Jack. “Why are you helping me?”
The woman smiled at him, the first sign of emotion he’d seen on her face since she’d rescued him.
She’s gorgeous. I don’t understand what’s going on inside her head…
Jack shrugged and walked over. He could only do so much to help with his injured arm, but it was enough to make rebuilding the shelter go quickly. Once the last log had been put into place, the woman disappeared back into the forest. A minute later, she reemerged, carrying several long lengths of vines in her hand.
She used them to bind the leaning logs of the roof to each other, creating a structure that was much harder to tear down than it had been before. Jack could only watch and scratch his head, wishing he had some way to communicate his appreciation.
“Thank you,” he said. “But I still don’t understand. Why are you-“
The woman leaned in and kissed him. Jack’s surprise was almost enough to make him jump back. The only thing that held him in place was the feeling of her body, so muscular yet feminine, against his.
She bit his bottom lip slightly as she pulled back, and then gave him another quick peck. Jack glanced around, as though expecting to see Molly or his mom watching him from the edge of the forest.
This is unexpected.
The woman stared into his eyes with intense, animalistic desire. It was the most Jack felt like they’d really communicated since she’d first discovered him in the cave. She slowly leaned in and groped at his crotch, offering him a minx like smile on her face.
“I don’t even know your name.” Jack shook his head in confusion, feeling his cock spring to life as the woman slowly worked her hand against it. She didn’t say anything, and instead took him by the hand and slowly led him into the lean-to.
She was gentle, making sure to avoid touching or moving his shoulder while still grinding against Jack like a cat in heat. He attempted to climb on top of her, and she twisted underneath, pinning him to the ground and kissing him deeply as if she enjoyed being in control.
Jack reached his left arm off and pawed at her animal fur top. It slid down enough for one of her medium sized breasts to come into view, the nipple poking out with perky eagerness.
The woman leaned in slowly, and they kissed again. Jack thrust his hips up against her, feeling his cock straining against his boxers and his pants. He groped at her breasts. They felt soft, and the contrast against her wild, tough exterior only made him feel even more turned on.
She struggled with the zipper of his jeans for a couple of seconds before Jack finally helped her with them. He pulled his shirt off, followed by her top, tossing all of their clothes in a pile next to his sleeping bag.
The woman tore off his boxers with aggressive movements. She stared at his cock like it was a loaded weapon once it had popped free of his clothing, and Jack found himself wondering if she’d ever seen one before.
Maybe she was raised by wolves? Wouldn’t that mean that she’s still a virgin?
The woman smiled fiendishly at him and then went to work sucking him off like a pro. Jack let out a gasp and leaned back against the ground. His shoulder still hurt, but bizarrely, the pain made the sexual pleasure even more compelling and intense.
“Jesus!” he moaned. “Where did you learn to do this?”
It was almost as though he’d become the male lead in the strangest porn movie ever. The woman was making tiny noises, almost like a female kitten growling at a mouse. She brought her big lips up and down, working her mouth across the top two-thirds of his cock with decisive licking and sucking.
“Oh man,” moaned Jack.
The woman stopped. He ran her hand up and down the length of his shaft a couple of times and then moved forward, positioning her hips over it. She still had on her tight, makeshift animal fur skirt, but as Jack immediately realized, she didn’t have anything like underwear on underneath it.
As she lowered herself down, Jack felt the head of his cock pushing into her tight, wet cunt. It felt incredible, and it was clear from the way the woman was looking at him that it was exactly what she wanted.
She doesn’t have any restraints at all, unlike Molly, or my mom. She just wants to feel good.
Jack blushed as he remembered all of the illicit encounters he’d had with the other women over the past few days. He then drifted off into a realm of exclusive pleasure and undeniable bliss as the woman began to rock back and forth. She looked like an Amazonian warrior, preparing to ride into battle on her chosen mount for the day.
He could feel his cock pulsing inside of her, squeezing his member with her feminine muscles. Jack lifted his injured arm up, pushing through the pain in order to grope at both of her breasts. He tweaked her nipples and heard her let out a squeal that sounded almost like a cat’s growl.
“Oh yeah,” moaned Jack. “That’s right.”
Now I know why she saved me. She brought me back here because she didn’t want to have to deal with me passing out after sex at her camp. She had this all planned out.
The woman had set both of her hands on his chest. She was twisting her hips ag
ainst him, letting her pussy stroke off the entire length of his cock and using it for her own pleasure. She kissed Jack deeply and then let her fingernails claw across his chest. It hurt in a way that almost felt good.
“Yeah, there we go,” whispered Jack. “Yes!”
He started raising his voice and letting out his moans. His mom and Molly weren’t around, and as terrible and worried as he felt about them, it also meant that he was free to enjoy sex for what it was. Guilt flashed across his mind briefly for having such selfish thoughts, but it was quickly replaced with pure, unadulterated pleasure.
The woman was whimpering and slamming her hips down on his cock. Jack grabbed her by the waist and started to add his own, injured strength to each bounce. Lewd slapping noises filled the lean-to, and he could feel her warm sex nectar dripping down onto his crotch.
“I don’t even know your name…”
She leaned her face in close to his, almost in response to his statement. Jack could see the hot lust in her eyes, and decided to take things up a notch.
“I’m going to do it,” he whispered. “I’m going to cum inside you.”
He knew that she couldn’t understand him, but there was still something very final and settled about saying the words out loud. He’d never had an orgasm inside a woman’s cunt before, with a condom or without. It was incredible even disregarding the circumstances that had led up to it.
The woman was moaning in time with his upward thrusts and her downward bouncing. Jack set a hand on each of her buttocks, sliding the animal leather skirt up and squeezing as he really began to let loose. He could feel himself reaching his limit, and just as he did, the woman tensed up and dug her nails into his chest.
“Fuck!” Jack thrust upward one more time, pushing his cock into her as deep as he could as he began to blast his seed. The woman shuddered and collapsed on top of him, her nipples and breasts pushing down against his chest.
Both of them spent the next few minutes catching the breath. Jack felt a wave of bliss pass over him, but it was quickly replaced with guilt and disappointment in himself.
Molly and my mom are still out there, still held hostage by that lunatic. What if he’s doing something like this to them, right now?
The woman had rolled off of Jack. He looked over to the side of the lean-to where he thought she was and saw nothing. Her clothes were gone, along with any substantial trace of her beyond a faint feminine smell.
It’s up to me and me alone. Tomorrow, I have to track them down.
The morning was a harsh one. Jack was in a moderate amount of pain when he awoke, his shoulder throbbing to the rhythm of the chirping birds. He sat up slowly and took stock of his surroundings.
Luckily, the bullet wound had not reopened overnight. He felt more energetic than he had the day before, even if the range of his arm was still limited.
I’m okay, but are they?
He stared off into the forest, listening to the gentle splash of the river. It was hard for him to keep his anger contained. He felt helpless, like he was out of options.
“I’m going to find you!” He yelled into the distance. “Mom! Molly!”
There was no answer back. Jack crawled out of the lean-to and spotted his handcrafted stone ax nearby. He picked up with his left arm and turned it around in his hand.
I’m going to put this through Dimitri’s skull.
Instead of waiting around the camp and wallowing in hopelessness, Jack began taking action. He foraged through the forest nearby, finding a scattering of strawberries, blueberries, and edible tubers to eat.
Using a stick of charcoal from the fire, he began to sketch out a crude map of the gorge on one of the rocks by his lean-to. He only had his memories of what it looked like from the surface and what little exploring he’d done to go on, but it was an effective way of organizing his thoughts.
The river goes down through the middle. There’s a good chance we would have run into him earlier if he were camped out on the same side of it as us.
Jack clearly remembered the man coming from the southeast, and it seemed as though he had been heading that way with the women after the encounter. He drew dividing lines from the center of his diagram and then circled the section he’d narrowed it down to.
I’ll search here, but first…
The stone ax wasn’t enough. He had managed to chisel it into a sharp edge, but with his right arm injured, it was impossible to imagine getting within range of Dimitri to use it. His opponent had a gun, and he only had his wits and the element of surprise.
Jack walked through the forest nearby until he had found what he was looking for. There had been a branch that he’d discarded during the building of the lean-to for being too thin to use on the roof. For a spear, however, it was perfect.
The branch was almost perfectly straight, and the wood was dry and hardened by the elements. He tested lifting it in his right hand, feeling the pain of his injury but also sensing that he could push through it.
If I have to, I can use it in my burned hand. But only if it comes down to it.
He took a seat in front of the ashes of the fire and got to work. His initial impulse was to try attaching a sharp piece of rock to it, but the more he thought about it, the less the approach appealed to him. There was no way of telling whether he’d be able to get close enough to Dimitri to strike with it in his hand. If that wasn’t a possibility, then the spear would need to be balanced enough to throw.
He used the edge of his stone hand ax to sharpen the end of the branch into a fine point. Jack was a little surprised by just how sharp he managed to make it. The end product reminded him of a pencil fresh out of one of the automatic sharpeners from back when he was in school.
“This will do,” he muttered. “This will do just fine.”
It was still early in the morning. Part of Jack wanted to hold off and spend more time preparing. The forest suddenly looked very menacing, more than it had in all the time he’d been in Eden.
I could die, doing what I’m about to. I almost already did.
He took a deep breath and tested the balance of his newly fashioned spear for the third time. A memory popped into the forefront of his mind. Right after the impact had happened, when he and his mom had been in the emergency shelter, there had been a moment when they both realized that it was likely that all the people they knew and loved didn’t make it.
Jack thought about his dad, so distant in life and so permanently distant now, in death. He thought about his friends, the other students in school, and his teachers. He thought about his neighbors, and the little children he’d occasionally see playing kickball down the block.
And now mom and Molly too. If I don’t do something, they’ll be part of this memory too.
He stood up and headed into the forest.
Jack’s pace to the southeastern area of the gorge started out fast. He could hear birds ahead of them, and saw a couple take off to the air as he approached. Realizing that he would be about as detectable as a rampaging elephant at that speed, he slowed his steps down, walking quietly and deliberately.
I need to find them before Dimitri finds me.
The day dragged on. Jack was impatient, but he forced himself to keep from rushing. He moved into a part of the forest that was completely new to him, and began stopping every couple hundred feet to regain his bearings.
The landscape was a mosaic of vegetation, trees, fallen logs and broken stumps. Jack used every bit of it to his advantage, crawling on his stomach across open stretches when there was no other cover for him to take advantage of. Minutes turned to hours, and Jack’s clothes slowly became dirtied with dirt, mud, and grass stains.
He operated under the assumption that Dimitri was expecting him and keeping a lookout. It was hard for Jack to know how close or far away the man’s camp could be, and all of his senses were on high alert for any hint of it.
Smoke. I smell smoke.
Jack pulled himself out from beh
ind a broad tree trunk and scanned the horizon. A thin, wispy grayish black line was trickling up into the clouds from across the river. Jack traced it back down and got a sense of how far it was from him.
His heart was beating faster, and faster. He made his way over to the riverbank and slowly slipped down into the water, ignoring the chilly temperature and quietly wading through to the other side. It came almost up to the wound on his shoulder, but Jack didn’t hesitate.
Ahead of him, there was a small, circular clearing. He poked his head out into it and saw exactly what he’d been looking for.
A small shelter, not unlike the on that Jack had built besides being free standing and incorporating animal skins, stood amidst the grass. Jack stared at it for several long seconds before venturing out. Ha crouched low until he was all the way at the edge of the trees, and took a deep breath.
I only get one chance at this. He’s got a gun, and I have the element of surprise. This is as even as the odds will ever be.
Suppressing the urge to let loose with a battle cry, Jack slipped out onto the grass and sprinted for the shelter. His bare feet didn’t make much noise against the grass. He kept his shoulders and head low, and slowed to a creep as he closed the last few feet.
The shelter was silent and noiseless. Jack quickly made his way to the front of it and peered inside.
She was the only one inside, unconscious and with bound hands and feet. Jack glanced around the area before ducking through the shelter’s entrance and making his way over to her.
“Molly!” He gave her shoulder a shake, praying that she was just asleep. “Molly, come on! We have to go!”
A gunshot rang out, and a hole appeared in one of the animal skins that had been pulled taut over the skeleton of the shelter. Jack dropped to one knee and found something he recognized on the ground, his old survival knife from the camp.
“I knew you would come!” Dimitri’s voice echoed into the shelter from far off. “Either you, or her, or both. I’m not going to let you win!”