After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Read online

Page 17

  Jack dragged each of the logs over to the small area that was covered by the overhanging rock outcropping. He carefully tipped each one so that it was leaning at an angle against the cliff, and then dug the downward end into the ground so that they would stick in their spots.

  Compared to bringing the trees down, setting them into place went quickly. It was still tiring work, and by the time he had set all of them into place, his hands were blistered, and he was sweaty. The lean-to was about eight feet long and maybe six feet high where it connected to the cliff.

  “Tomorrow, I can use some leaves and grass, along with mud from the river banks, to weather proof it and give it a proper roof.” He smiled at his mom and saw Molly walking over from the direction of the river, carrying all of their water bottles.

  “Oh wow,” she said. “You’re a halfway decent woodsman. That thing looks, well, maybe not quite comfortable. But it’s definitely big enough.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” said Jack.

  He walked over to the fire and took a seat on the log. Rebecca was heating a pot full of something on some hot coals to the side of the main flame.

  “Something smells good.” He felt his mouth watering in anticipation and realized that he’d barely eaten anything substantial in days.

  “It’s potato and onion stew,” she said, smiling. “I also tossed in a package of the beef jerky we’ve been saving.”

  Jack leaned back on the log, feeling his exhaustion from all of the day's events finally settling into his bones.

  “This is exactly what we were saving it for,” he said. “Today is a day to celebrate.”

  Molly joined the two of them, letting out a satisfied sigh as she sat down next to Jack.

  “This feels like a dream.” She looked up at the stars and spoke almost as though to herself. “A nightmare that I stuck with for long enough to turn into something good.”

  “It’s not a nightmare, and it’s not a dream,” said Rebecca. “It’s just the way the world is now. The asteroid didn’t have any intention of its own. It didn’t know that it was taking so many people from us, our families, or my husband. And it’s the same with the aftermath of it. The world is just a blank canvas, for us to make what we will of it.”

  Rebecca pulled the pot off the fire and took a mug for each of them out of one of the bags. She dunked each of them in and scooped out a portion, the juice spilling out over the side of each cup. Jack took his and immediately took a sip, feeling the hot broth burn his tongue.

  “This is the best home cooked meal I think you’ve ever made, mom.” He watched his mother’s eyes light up at the compliment.

  That was always the one surefire way to put her in a good mood.

  “Thanks, honey,” she whispered. “What do you think, Molly?”

  “I’m not a big onion fan, but uh…” The younger woman trailed off, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s good.”

  The three of them continued eating in silence for a couple of minutes. The mood around the fire was one of tired happiness, all of them still processing the luck that had brought them to their new home. Jack’s mind was alive with ideas about how to take advantage of everything they’d been given, how to not just survive, but to thrive.

  Rebecca was the first one to let out a yawn.

  “I’m exhausted,” she said. “We should all think about getting some sleep soon.”

  “Is it okay to just leave the fire?” asked Molly. Jack nodded.

  “It will burn down to coals overnight,” he said. “Eventually, we might want to try to keep it going all the time, but for now, we’ll be all set with using our fire kit to rebuild it when we need it.”

  Jack stood up and walked over to his mom, who was setting a large, flat rock over what was left of the stew in the pot. She turned to him and wrapped him in a tight hug, her body attracting his full attention.

  “Good night, sweetie,” she whispered. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, mom.”

  “Are you going to sleep in your lean-to tonight, or…?”

  Jack nodded.

  It’s not really like I have any choice. The tent isn’t made for three people.

  “I just have to spread out the leftover tarp from the tent, and it will be good to go,” he said.

  “Okay. Be safe out here, and don’t hesitate to come inside if it gets too cold.”

  Rebecca kissed him softly on the cheek and then walked over to the tent and slipped inside of it. Jack began rifling through the supplies to the right of the tent, pulling out the tarp and his sleeping bag.

  “Do you need any help, getting that spread out?” Molly was standing over by the fire and had an intrigued look on her face. She walked over to him with her hands clasped behind her back, and her breasts pushed forward.

  “Sure,” said Jack. “That would be nice.”

  Molly stood close by him, helping with the tarp as they made their way over to the lean-to. They crouched low and spread it out across the ground. To Jack’s surprise, it fit the area underneath the roof almost perfectly, with a little bit of space left uncovered on either end.

  “Your sleeping bag,” whispered Molly. “Do you want me to help you unroll it?”

  It was dark underneath the cover of the lean-to, but Jack could still see Molly’s outline clearly. Her body language was open and unambiguous, and it made his thoughts go back to what had happened at the river earlier that morning.

  “Yeah, Molly,” said Jack. “Let’s unroll it, together.”

  Jack reached for the sleeping bag in her hands, letting his palm descend over her fingers. Slowly, they began to spread it across the tarp. The tension in the little shelter was thick and palpable, intense enough to make the cool summer air feel hot.

  He stared at Molly as they finished the simple task, at her breasts and body, and at her beautiful face. Without really thinking about it, Jack reached his hands forward and cupped her cheek. Wordlessly, he pulled her into a kiss, and then the two of them fell to the ground in a tight, horny embrace.

  Jack’s lips moved against hers with a passion that was new to him, and almost frightening in its power. His fingers fumbled with the zipper of her jumpsuit even as his other hand pawed at one of her soft, perfect breasts. Molly rubbed her thighs against his crotch, working his cock into a rock hard state almost instantly.

  This is what we’re supposed to be doing. I need to fuck Molly, for the sake of more than just me.


  He pulled her jumpsuit open and practically buried his face against her naked breasts underneath it. She smelled clean and soft, and uniquely feminine.


  He kissed her neck and rolled her underneath him on the sleeping bag. He kissed her again, but her lips didn’t move against his. Jack’s hormones were too riled up to stop and ask questions, and he began grinding his cock against her crotch, dry humping her with horny anticipation.


  Molly set her hands on his chest and pushed him back slightly. It was only then that he was able to come back to reality and reign himself in.

  “I can’t,” she whispered. “I have to tell you something.”

  Her chest heaved up and down as she spoke, and it was clear that she was just as sexually excited as he was.

  Why is she stopping me now? Last night, and then earlier today… isn’t this what we’re supposed to be doing?

  “Molly, what is it?” he asked. “Why are you-“

  “I made your mom a promise,” said Molly. “We both made each other promise it, actually.”

  Jack blinked. His cock ached for attention, and without really meaning to, he leaned in closer to Molly and slowly began to move against her again.

  “Stop it!” Molly cut him off again before he could get going. “Look, your mom and I agreed that we would move forward with you together, evenly.”

  Jack shook his head. Thinking about his mom only made his dick crave release even more intensely.

nbsp; “What does that mean?” he asked. “I thought the whole point was for me to…”

  For me to sleep with both of you. For me to fuck my own mother, and my only friend, all for the sake of the human race.

  “It is,” whispered Molly. “It still is.”

  She leaned up underneath him, which had the unintended effect of bringing her gorgeous breasts into a beam of moonlight. Jack stared at her perfect nipples, and the way each of her boobs hung with perfect, natural poise. It was almost too much for him to handle.

  “Jack, we don’t want to end up destroying the balance that we have here.” Molly ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. “God, I wish your mom was here to help me explain this.”

  Part of Jack did as well, but another part of him was horrified by the idea, and how turned on it made him.

  “Look, I’m your friend, and Rebecca is your mother. And if it works that way, why would we want to change anything?”

  “I don’t understand,” said Jack. “I thought changing that was the plan, from the very beginning?”

  “The plan is for all of us to help keep the human race going,” said Molly. “And the only way for us to do that is through… well, sex.”

  She says it almost like it’s a dirty word. What the hell did she and my mom talk about?

  “What we’ve decided is to keep the process as basic and straightforward as possible,” said Molly. “It will mess things up if emotions get involved.”

  “Molly, it’s sex. How can emotions not get involved?”

  Molly slipped in closer to him. Jack could tell she was doing it to illustrate her point, but the end result was to turn him on even further.

  “The three of us will do it together, as a group,” she whispered. “That way, it will never come down to you making a choice between…”

  A choice between Molly, and my mother? This is about their feelings, their emotions, not mine.

  “Alright,” said Jack. “I guess I understand.”

  He tried to smile in the darkness, but his cock was aching with unfulfilled desire, and the expression came out as more of a grimace. Molly didn’t move from where she was, and slowly brought her hands up to her breasts and let her fingers run across them.

  “Good,” she said. “I’m sorry Jack. This is just the way that makes the most sense.”

  He glanced past her and out the end of the lean-to, over to the tent. The light from the fire illuminated his mom’s sleeping frame, and for a moment, he considered the logic of what Molly was saying.

  I thought I was the one in the toughest spot, but really, it’s them. Emotionally, this could become explosive.

  Jack let out a sigh, and shifted to the side. He looked up at the roof of branches and trees that he’d spent the day building.

  “You’re right. You both are.” He reached over to Molly’s hand and set his on top of it. “But can you at least help me out, just for tonight?”

  It made him feel a little sleazy to ask so brazenly, but on the other hand, they had already experimented together. The transition from having them help him with his release, to not having that help, would be sudden and jarring if there weren't a tapering off period.

  “…I really shouldn’t.” Despite herself, Molly didn’t stop Jack as he shifted her hand over and onto his crotch. He began moving it on her behalf, rubbing his rock hard bulge and willing her into the act.

  “Molly,” he whispered. “It’s not really against what you and my mom agreed to.”

  “It is.” Molly was stroking him off on her own now, but she still shook her head slowly, the conflict clear in her movements. “It feels like it is.”

  “It feels good,” replied Jack. He unzipped his jeans and pulled them down in a rush, kicking them to the side of the lean-to in a similar manner to the way he’d done so many times before, alone in his old room.

  “Jack…” Molly flinched her hand back like a nervous school girl as his cock popped out of his boxers.

  She has never acted this modest before. It must be the deal that she and my mom worked out. She’s loyal, almost to a fault.

  “Molly, it’s okay,” said Jack. “If it really bothers you that much, we can tell her in the morning.”

  Tell my jealous mother about our sexual exploits of the night before? This is such a weird situation…

  Molly shook her head.

  “No, I don’t think we should,” she said. “Just… give her as much extra attention as you can. Make up for it with your actions, and I will too.”

  Jack nodded. Slowly, but with a gentle forcefulness than he surprised himself with, he lowered Molly’s head down towards his cock. Her lips were pursed tightly at first, but after a moment, she sighed and gave it a kiss.

  “You’re so spoiled,” she whispered. “A sexually spoiled, little brat.”

  She pinched his butt jokingly and then brought the head of Jack’s cock into her mouth. The lead up to the sensation had been so long and drawn out that it almost made him flinch with surprise. It felt beyond incredible, like a glass of water after going thirsty for hours on a hot summer day.

  “Oh god, Molly!”

  She sucked with delicious enthusiasm, taking pride in her skills. Jack could tell that she had decided that if she was going to do it, she was going to do it right.

  “Yeah, just like that,” he whispered. There was a sound from outside the lean-to, and he shot a paranoid glance over to the tent and his mom. She was still inside of it, but she’d shifted her position.

  Is she awake?

  Before he could look more closely, Molly slid her lips all the way down his rod. She was deep throating him, and Jack could barely handle the intensity of the sensation. It felt like his cock had slipped inside the tightest, most responsive pussy in existence.

  “Jesus Christ!” He’d meant the words to come out as a whisper, but the pleasure was taking control of his body. Molly pulled her mouth off his cock slowly and then cleared her throat with sexy, seductive grace.

  “Did that feel good, Jack?” Her words were sultry, and almost cruel in the way they illustrated the control her sexual power gave her. Jack nodded.

  “It’s all we can do, tonight,” she whispered. “I might have given ground on this…”

  She grabbed Jack’s cock and gave it a squeeze.

  “But you don’t get to fuck me. Not yet, not until it’s time.”

  Jack thought back to the river, and what had happened there.

  I’m not just a plaything. I have just as much control and say in this as she does.

  He reached his hand back to her head and pulled her face back into his cock. Molly began licking and sucking as though it was exactly what she’d been waiting for.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” whispered Jack. “Suck it. You know exactly what your role is here.”

  He pushed his cock deeper into Molly’s mouth, and she let out a little squeal.

  “Keep on sucking,” he whispered. “Like a good girl.”

  Molly kept on sucking, not even glancing up at him with her eyes. Her tongue and lips were pure bliss against his shaft, and the way that she shifted between vying for sexual control and giving into her dirty, slutty nature was so different from what he’d experienced before.

  It’s so different from mom.

  Molly did look up at him then, sucking with increasing speed and twisting her lips around his cock each time she bobbed back and forth. Jack needed to cum so badly it almost hurt, and he could tell that Molly sensed it. Right as he was about to reach his limit, she pulled back, hovering her mouth millimeters away from the head of his dick and smiling.

  “Do you want me to keep going, Jack?” She looked as though torturing him was the most fun she’d had all day. “You just have to say please, if that’s what you want.”

  Jack pulled her head forward and rubbed the tip of his cock against her lips. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and his cock began to explode with cum. The first strand splattered across Molly’s face diag
onally, from her nose down across her cheek. She was quick with her mouth and sucked the rest down gently, glaring up at him as she did.

  Completely spent, Jack leaned back against the tarp of the sleeping bag. Molly zipped up her jumpsuit and then climbed on top of him, staring into his face.

  “Your mom can’t know about this,” she said.

  “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Molly crouched low as she left the lean-to, looking back at him one last time.

  “It’s not about right and wrong anymore, Jack. It’s about people, and emotions.”

  She crept away from Jack’s handmade shelter and over to the tent. He watched her go, and then rolled over and went to sleep.


  The morning was cool for the summer. Jack had the fabric of his sleeping bag pulled up over his head, and slowly slipped out from under it, seeing the roof of the lean-to above him.

  It’s still standing. Not half bad craftsmanship, if I do say so.

  He yawned, and quickly pulled himself out of bed. His jeans were sitting next to his sleeping area. Instead of grabbing them, he walked out into the camp, intent on snagging one of the clean pairs of pants that he’d been rationing ever since leaving the emergency shelter.

  “Good morning, honey!” Rebecca was stirring a pot over hot coals, the fire long since died down. She smiled at him, humming a familiar tune as she cooked breakfast.

  “Morning, mom,” said Jack. He glanced around and noticed that Molly wasn’t around. “Where’s Molly?”

  “She headed down to the river to wash up.” His mom shrugged her shoulders. “Personally, I would think that the swimming we did yesterday would be enough. It’s not like we’ve been traveling through the ash storms up above.”

  Jack nodded slowly, remembering everything that had happened the night before.

  She’s probably washing her hair, and her face. That’s on me.

  He pushed the thought out of his mind and took a seat on the log bench.

  “What’s for breakfast?”

  His mom scooped up a spoonful of what she was stirring and held it out to him. Jack leaned in and gave it a taste, feeling nostalgia for his youth and the old days of her cooking wave over him.


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