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EI: Erotic Intelligence - The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 16

  “I… tried using a VR headset at Pete’s house earlier today.” Dan felt like he was admitting to a much graver offense than his words suggested. His mom continued staring at him, her anger unabated, and suddenly, Dan felt very foolish.

  “And?” asked Lana. “How does that explain anything?”

  Dan opened his mouth, but no words came out. He couldn’t tell her all of it. He couldn’t really tell her any of it. After his experiences in the simulation, the way he saw her was distinctly different. There was no going back from it, but there was also no way to make her fully understand.

  “Mom, you were right,” said Dan. “The headsets are not good, not for me and not for anyone. I feel like I’m having trouble, well, understanding what’s real.”

  Lana’s expression softened a little bit. She still looked angry, but her emotion was clearly tapered by the motherly love that she felt for him. She slowly walked over, and then sighed.

  “There is no way that I can explain this to your aunt, you know,” she said. “She’ll never understand. I don’t even understand… Alex is your cousin, Dan!”

  Dan nodded, and felt his face heating up.

  “Mom… she was in the simulation with me.”

  Lana didn’t say anything, and continued staring at him with crossed arms, waiting for him to continue. Dan blushed, and then forced out the final words of his confession.

  “And mom… so were you.”

  It took a second for Lana’s expression to shift into one of understanding. Dan wasn’t sure if she really was getting what he was saying, but he had clearly said enough to catch her off guard, and confuse her. She drew in close and pulled him into a tight hug, the kind that he was so used to getting from her over the years.

  “Dan… whatever happened in the simulation, just let it go.” She spoke in a quiet voice, her breath hot against his neck and boobs soft against his chest. Dan hated himself for the erection he could feel springing to life between his legs, and tried to clear his mind.

  “Mom, it’s so hard,” he whispered. “I’m not sure anymore… if any of this is real.”

  He spoke the words and felt the truth of them as he did. Nothing that had happened since he’d woken up from the simulation felt even close to being real. It was as though he’d awoken from one dream into another, the true fabric of reality still eluding his confirmation.

  “Honey…” Lana pulled back looked at him with eyes that were unsure of how to respond. Dan stared into his mom’s face, feeling the closeness of her body and the intensity of her beauty in much the same way that he had so many times before in the virtual world. He wanted her as a woman, and the shame and embarrassment of it was tearing him apart.

  “In the simulation, mom, you were there with me.” Dan wanted to tell her everything, but he felt nervous, and guilty. “Mom, you helped me get through it. More than anything you helped me.”

  Lana took her hand and cupped her son’s cheek. With force, deliberate slowness, she leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek. Dan felt his cock bulging out against the fabric of his pants, and his heart rate speeding up.

  “I can help you with anything you need, sweetie,” said Lana. “But I need you to be here with me. Dan, this is the real world. There are real consequences. You and your cousin, what the two of you were doing…”

  She trailed off, and Dan was glad for it. He felt as though he was viewing the world through a veil of erotic confusion, unable to discern what was right or wrong, and helpless at the hands of his own arousal.

  Lana walked over to her bed and sat down, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. She patted the spot next to her, and Dan walked over and sat down next to her, his entire body tingling with a strange, forbidden eagerness.

  “If you need someone to help you through whatever you’re going through Dan, I’m here.” Lana rubbed his thigh in what was meant to be an encouraging, innocent gesture. “Anything you need, sweetie, just let me know.”

  Her words instantly brought Dan back to his experience in the virtual world, and the way his mom had promised him the same thing. The air in between them felt tense, and full of sexual potential. Without really meaning to, Dan moved even closer to his mom, and ran his hand up her back.

  “Mom…” he whispered. He shifted his legs so that his mom’s hand was on the verge of being on his cock, and tried to tell her with his eyes what he needed. Lana’s face was flushed, and she looked back at him as both a mother and a woman.

  Dan felt a hot, blissful shiver shoot through his body as his mom’s fingers brushed across his dick. She stared at him, watching his reaction, and then did it again. Dan let his hands wander further, touching her stomach and slowly moving towards her breasts.

  “Dan, you can’t do what you did with your cousin.” There was a silent implication laden in Lana’s words that Dan couldn’t help but pick up on. No, he thought, he couldn’t do what he did with his cousin, but the touch of her fingers suggested another option.

  “I just feel like I need to find a way to release myself, mom,” whispered Dan. “For you to help me.”

  He leaned in, and let his lips slowly find their way towards hers. It was the final line, the one that Dan had come so close to crossing in the simulation. In that moment, Dan finally did feel like he was back in the real world, with the realness and forbidden nature of what he was about to do hanging over him like a star.

  “Dan...” whispered Lana. His lips met hers, softly pushing together and kissing with the tentative carefulness that all sons have when it concerns their mothers. Lana’s palm moved over his cock and began massaging it a little more blatantly, sending a thrilling, pleasurable sensation shooting through Dan’s body

  The two of them were both breathing heavily. The door to Lana’s room was closed, and somehow, it felt like that signified something major to Dan. What happened behind closed doors could stay behind closed doors. He repeated the phrase in his head like a mantra, knowing that there was no truth to it.

  His lips moved across his mother’s neck, and he could sense Lana’s growing hesitation as she grew bolder with her movements against his cock, gripping it and stroking it through his pants. Dan let his fingers grasp at one of her breasts, finding it to be softer and better formed than it had felt to him in VR, and much more tantalizingly forbidden.

  “Honey, this is…” Lana whispered, a tremor of arousal in her voice. “This is wrong. Dan, I’m your mother.”

  Dan groped at her breast, and felt his mom’s hand tighten around his cock in response.

  “Mom…” He wanted to say something to let her know that it was alright, to let her know that they could continue without changing anything, but he wasn’t sure of it, himself. The simulation hadn’t been real. If they crossed over the line here and now, there was no telling how it would affect them, and they would just have to live with the consequences.

  He slowly began pulling his mom’s shirt up and over her head, as if seeing more of her might hold the key to alleviating his doubts, and felt her pull back. She slowly took her hand from his crotch, and then slid away from him on the bed.

  “I understand that you’re going through a lot right now, sweetie.” Lana spoke slowly, doing her best to hide the arousal in her voice. “I’m here to support you in any way I can. But I’m your mother, honey, and you’re my son.”

  Dan nodded, and felt the guilt of what he had just tried to do hit him like a ton of bricks. He stood up off the bed, and tried not to think about how close his cock, bulging out against his jeans, was to his mother’s beautiful face, soft lips, and wet mouth.

  “I know mom,” he said. “You’re right.”

  Neither of them moved for a moment. Dan wanted to sit back down, and felt like if he pushed just a little further, he could reignite the primal urges both of them were just barely managing to hold back. But he loved his mom, and respected her too much to go against her wishes.

  “You should head to our room, sweetie,” said Lana. “I… I’ll make dinner f
or the two of us later. And I’m going to talk to Alex, too. I think what happened between the two of you should stay between us.”

  There was a second part to his mom’s suggestion that Dan understood without needing to be told. What happened between him and her just then on the bed would also be buried, along with his experiences in the simulation, and the sex with Alex. It would all be locked away in a hidden closet of memories, never to be seen or heard from again.

  “Okay mom,” said Dan. He wanted to thank her, but wasn’t sure for what. Instead, he just waited for a moment, staring into her eyes and seeing a reflection of his own horniness and confusion, and then turned and left.

  He headed down the hallway, and into his own room. It felt like it had been days since he’d last been inside of it, though he knew that in truth, it had only been a couple of hours. Dan shut his door and collapsed down on his bed. He was tired, much more tired than he had thought he was, and after stripping down to his boxers and climbing under the covers, it only took him a couple of seconds to fall asleep.


  It was dark when Dan woke up, and he felt the confusing sensation of not knowing what day it was or how long he’d been out for. He heard the door to his room creaking open, and sat up slowly in his bed.

  “Honey, I thought we should talk…” The sound of his mother’s voice cut through the darkness. Dan’s body felt hot, and he realized that he’d been sweating in his sleep. His cock throbbed underneath the covers, hinting at a dream world just beyond the fogginess of his memory.

  “Mom,” said Dan. “What time is it?”

  He felt groggy, and along with it came a strange feeling, almost as though he was still asleep, or still in a VR simulation. He felt his blankets rustle from the bottom of the bed, and realized that his mom had sat down next to him.

  “It’s a little after eight,” said Lana. “You were really tired. I saved you a plate of dinner downstairs.”

  “Thanks,” he replied. The air in his room felt stale and stuffy. A small beam of moonlight was shining in through his window, and as his eyes adjusted to it, he could make out his mom’s figure.

  She was wearing a small night gown, made of thin fabric. If Dan hadn’t known any better, he would have assumed that it was lingerie, but of course, this was his mother. Even if the garment clung tightly to her body, and even if she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties, she was still his mom, and he needed to remember that.

  “I thought a lot about what you told me before, honey,” whispered Lana. “I just wanted to make sure that you were okay.”

  “Thanks mom,” he said. “I’m fine.”

  Dan wasn’t fine. His cock was throbbing underneath the sheets, and having his mom so close by only made it ache for her touch. He wanted her to do to him what she’d done in the simulation and help him take care of it, even though it made him feel ashamed and even though he knew how terribly, horribly wrong it was for a son to be wishing for such things from his mother.

  “You aren’t fine, sweetie,” said Lana. She reached her hand out and touched his leg, and Dan almost let out a gasp of pleasure.

  “No, really, I’m okay mom,” he said slowly. “It’s just…”

  His cock was already dripping with pre-cum. He had never wanted or needed release so badly before in his life. It was embarrassing, and Dan was torn between wishing that his mom would leave so that he could take care of himself, and wanting her to stay, to be there with him, however she could be.

  “It’s just what, honey?” whispered Lana. “Tell me.”

  She rubbed his leg, and then moved her hand to his hair, rubbing it through as though she were caressing the head of a young child. That’s what he was, thought Dan. He was her child, her son, and he always would be.

  “The simulation messed me up,” said Dan. “Mom, I should have listened to you. It messed everything up.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Lana. “Dan, you can tell me anything.”

  Dan swallowed, and looked at his mom in the dark. She was leaned over him in a way that left her breasts hanging right in front of her face. It was just light enough in the room for him to make out the details of her soft, supple cleavage, and he wanted so badly to bury his face in it, to bury his hot, aching cock in it.

  “Mom,” said Dan. “I thought it was real. And now…”

  He stopped, and Lana continued softly massaging his hair, waiting for him to continue. She moved her hand, and suddenly it was where it had been before, in her room, closer to his crotch than a mother’s hand should ever approach.

  “Mom, I’m not sure what’s real anymore,” said Dan. “What if this is just another simulation?”

  Lana didn’t say anything. Her hand moved closer, and closer. The blanket over him was relatively thin, and Dan couldn’t resist letting out a pleasured moan as her fingers grazed his aching erection through it.

  “It’s all real, Dan,” whispered Lana. “I’m here, and you’re here, and this is real. My love for you is real, baby.”

  Dan swallowed hard, and then reached his hand up. He guided it forward, and let it come to a rest on his mom’s breast. He was right. She didn’t have a bra on, and the feel of her soft breast, naked excepting a thin layer of silk fabric, caused his cock to twitch with excitement.

  “Mom, I need you,” whispered Dan. “Please. Just help me… get back on track.”

  “Sweetie, I’m your mom.” Lana’s response was quick, as though she was trying to cut off his illicit train of thought. Still, her hand drifted closer, and came to a rest on his crotch, right next to his cock. His member was touching the inside crease between her thumb and index finger, and all Lana would need to do to grip it was to close her hand.

  “Just this one time,” whispered Dan. He felt like a kid asking for candy, and his mom was still rubbing his hair, still playing her part. “We already started to… I need you to help me, mom.”

  Lana didn’t answer him, but her hand said more than words ever could. It slowly gripped his erection, and began to gently stroke up and down through the blanket. Dan let out a gasp and had to focus all his willpower on not cumming instantly.

  “Dan…” Lana’s voice was confused, as though she was still unsure of what she was doing, but there was so much love along with it that Dan had zero doubt in his mind about how far she was willing to go. “Sweetie…”

  Lana stood up from the bed, and slowly pulled the blanket back all the way. Dan’s cock caught on the edge of the fabric, bouncing back and forth in eager readiness as it the sheet pulled away and revealed it to the moonlit room, and his mother’s eyes.

  Dan watched as his mom slowly climbed onto the bed and then straddled him. She slid forward along his legs until his cock lay flat against her soft mound, unable to slide inside of her from the angle they were at, but easily within reach of her hands.

  “I’m just going to help you for tonight, honey,” whispered Lana. “You’ve had such a rough day, Dan. I just want to make it better for you.”

  Slowly, and with the tenderness and careful attention of real, loving mother, Lana began to stroke her son’s cock. She rubbed her hands up and down it, and let it press against her crotch, right above her pussy, where she had a thing, well maintained strip of pubic hair.

  “Oh mom,” moaned Dan. “That, that feels…”

  He wanted to say that it felt good, but he couldn’t. Not only did it feel too good for him to be able to focus on anything else, but he was too embarrassed to even be able to get the words out. It had never felt like this in the simulation, not even close. This was real, and the consequences and repercussion, emotions and sensations, all of them were so vivid and pressing that Dan could not question it for a second.

  “Mommy’s going to take care of you, sweetie,” whispered Lana. “This will be our little secret.”

  She continued giving him a soft, loving, tender, and wonderfully unique handjob, rubbing his cock but also beginning to move her hips forward and press her crotch into it with each stroke
. Dan almost wanted to cry out, it felt so could. It was just the two of them in the house, he realized. He could, if he wanted to. He could do almost anything that he wanted to.

  “Mom…” whispered Dan. He groped at her breasts, feeling them through the fabric, and felt himself begin to crave more. His cock was already underneath the bottom folds of her gown, and Lana only resisted slightly as he pulled it up and over her head.

  “Dan…” said Lana. “I, I don’t know about this…”

  “It’s dark, mom,” he replied. “I can’t see anything.”

  It was a lie, and as bad as Dan felt telling it, the sight of her gorgeous, naked body was more than worth it. She was beautiful, far beyond anything he could find online or at his school. She had a body that was real, and forever off limits to him, and there was no way that any other woman could even come close to comparing.

  Lana ran her thumb of the tip of her son’s cock, her finger reeling back slightly as she felt the impressive amount of pre-cum dripping from the top. Dan let his hips begin to push forward, spurring her on, and then felt his mom’s hand slowly work its way around his cock, massaging it even more tenderly.

  She began rocking herself into Dan faster. He felt a warm wetness on his thigh, and realized that his mom was getting wet. It was turning her on, what she was doing. Dan wondered if it was the forbidden nature of the act, or something else, and then realized that he didn’t care. All he cared about was getting more.

  Slowly, and with a firmness that pushed against his mom’s reservations, Dan took his hands and lifted her up slightly. He guided her down about an inch in front of where she had been, so that she was on top of his cock. Lana flinched as the bottom folds of her pussy made contact with the head of her son’s hard cock, as though the reality of the situation had dawned on her all at once.