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EI: Erotic Intelligence - The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Read online

Page 15

  She leaned to move a cushion, and her robe slipped open, flashing Dan a peek of her large breasts and pink nipples underneath. He felt his cock hardening rapidly, and couldn’t help but stare.

  “Oh no, that’s fine, really,” said Dan. “I have to get home.”

  Mrs. Marsh walked over to him, smiling. She had a moderate case of bed head, and her face was flushed slightly, as though she’d just gone for a run. Dan thought more about what had happened in the simulation with her, and felt his body start to heat up as she closed the distance between them.

  “Alright then,” she said. “Tell your mom that I said hi, and that we need to have dinner again soon.”

  Mrs. Marsh held her arms out, and Dan moved in to give her a hug. He wasn’t expecting her body to feel so good against his, and the ungainly way his erection mashed into her stomach was both embarrassing and incredibly erotic. He pulled back after just a second, and Mrs. Marsh smiled a curious smile.

  “Sorry, I have to go!” Dan walked fast over to the door, pulled it open, and stepped outside.

  Cars were traveling by him on the road. There was a small group of people milling about outside of a house down the street, and a girl riding on a bike was speeding down the sidewalk. Dan felt a little unnerved by it all. It didn’t make sense to him, and his mind wasn’t ready to reaccept the real world.

  He headed down the road, listening to the sounds of people and activity all around him. Dan felt like he was on guard, and examined everything closely, from the leaves on trees, to the way the concrete felt underneath his feet.

  Outside of the family home, he saw his mom’s car, sitting in the same spot and on the same side of the driveway that it always was. Instead of heading inside right away, Dan leaned against the side of the garage and took a moment to compose himself.

  None of it had been real, and that was a good thing, he told himself. The real world, the active, working, sensible world, was a place of possibility. He could go on with his life and not have to worry about the details.

  Dan was expecting his memory of the simulation to fade as though it had been a dream, but it didn’t feel like it wanted to. He could still picture the places in his mind, along with the people. Especially the people. He blushed as he thought about all of the strange situations he’d gotten himself in, and then smiled.

  A warm breeze blew against his body from the side, and it felt undeniably real. Dan lifted his arms up and felt it billowing up into his t-shirt, caressing his body with hands made of insubstantial air. He took a deep breath, and then walked to the door and headed inside.

  His mom was bustling around the kitchen, wearing the same t-shirt and yoga pants that he had remembered her in that morning, or days ago, or both. She was facing away from Dan, and it gave him a moment to force his mind away from the illicit thoughts of her that the simulation had fostered into his memories.

  “Hey mom,” he said. “I’m back.”

  “Oh, hey sweetie.” The casual way that Lana greeted him, without even a glance in his direction, cemented the truth together. To her, he’d only been gone for a couple of hours. To her, their relationship was what it always had been, and not tinged with desire and forbidden lust.

  He walked over and stood a couple of feet behind her. She was mixing something in a bowl on the counter, and each movement caused her hips to sway in hot little circles. Dan suddenly realized that he was staring and forced himself to turn away, blushing profusely.

  “Do you need something, honey?” asked his mom. “What can I do for you?”

  She looked at him and smiled, and Dan’s mind instantly went back to the simulation. That same smile was the one that his mom had used in situation after situation, many of which involving him and his urges.

  “I… I’m fine,” said Dan. “Sorry…”

  Lana had an intuitive sense for him, and she clearly wasn’t taking him at his word. She walked over to where he was standing with her arms out, and pulled Dan into a soft, motherly hug. He smelt her perfume, her old perfume, that she wore in real life, and then felt her soft lips against his cheek, which sent fire flooding through his body.

  “I’m your mom, I know something’s up.” Lana whispered in his ear and gently rocked from side to side, as though he was still a young child and she was cradling him. “Whatever it is, I’ll do whatever I can for you, sweetie. I love you.”

  “I know,” said Dan. Her breasts and body felt so good against him, and it took all of his willpower to pull back before getting an erection.

  Dan felt better, and smiled genuinely at his mom. He walked into the living room and slowly sat down on the couch, feeling a little off guard at how perfect everything matched his memories. Of course it did, he reminded himself. This was the real world.

  “Your cousin is stopping by for a visit,” said Lana. “It’s been years since the two of you have last seen each other, hasn’t it?”

  “My... cousin?” Dan was in the midst of tracing back his memories when there was a knock at the door. He hopped off the couch and walked over, opening it in a single, smooth movement. Standing on the other side was a teenage girl that he recognized all too well, a girl whose presence there sent a chill down his spine and forced his heart forward against his chest in rhythmic, spastic knocks.

  “Are you Dan?” she asked. “It’s been so long! It’s me, Alex!”


  Alex, the real Alex, stepped forward into the house and wrapped Dan into a soft, familiar hug. He numbly reciprocated it, still reeling from the shock of the discovery. Alex was and always had been his cousin. It explained why she had felt so familiar to him in the simulation, and so many other things.

  “Alex! I’m so glad you could make it!” Lana walked quickly into the living room, and Alex was over to her with a hug next.

  “Well, I was headed right by on my home from college,” she said. “It just felt like it had been too long.”

  Dan made his way over to the couch and sat down. He wasn’t sure what to believe anymore, and seeing Alex and his mom together, side by side, made him feel as though he was back in the simulation. As though he had never left.

  “How are you?” asked Lana. “I talked to Michelle last week, but all she had to say about you was that you’d gotten all As in your first semester.”

  “That’s pretty much all there is to say,” said Alex with a smile. She looked over at Dan on the couch, and then slowly walked over. He watched her, and felt vivid, scary possibilities race through his mind as she came closer, and closer, and finally took a seat down next to him.

  “Dan it’s been so long,” said Alex, in a soft, sensual voice. “I’d almost forgotten what you looked like.”

  She brought one of her hands down on his thigh softly, and Dan felt his cock quickly springing to attention.

  “I could never forget what you look like, Alex,” he replied. There was a silent, tense moment, and the room suddenly felt charged with heat. Lana walked into the kitchen and tucked a tray of cookies that she’d been working on into the oven.

  “I’m going to make the three of us lunch, do the two of you have any requests?” asked Lana.

  “Anything is fine.” Alex spoke to her but continued to stare at Dan, and he stared right back at her.

  “Alright.” She turned and walked into the kitchen, and Dan felt the tension between him and his cousin intensify, almost to the breaking point.

  “So uh, how has school been?” asked Dan. He thought about inching away from her, but the couch was tiny. It was impossible for him to be so close to this Alex, the real Alex, and not think of what had happened in the simulation between him and her.

  “It’s been good.” Alex continued running her hand along his leg, and appeared to be enjoying Dan’s confused, tortured reaction. “It’s like I’m in a new world, full of new experiences. I just want to try everything, you know?”

  “Yeah, I can understand that,” said Dan. He glanced into the kitchen and saw that his mom was still working on making
sandwiches. He could feel Alex’s eyes fixed on him, and as he slowly shifted to meet her gaze, he recognized the devilish smile on her face.

  “Remember when we were little kids, and we always used to cuddle together on the couch and watch movies, Dan?” She spoke in a quiet voice, and each word felt like it had a hidden, erotic meaning.

  “Oh yeah, I remember,” said Dan. He had a full erection now, and it tented his jeans in a way that was clearly visible.

  “We should do that again, while I’m here,” said Alex.

  “I’d like that.” The two of them were drawing closer together. A voice in the back of Dan’s head was screaming for him to pull back, to get away, but there was something more powerful and primal drowning it out.

  “Do either of you want cheese on your sandwiches?” Lana’s voice cut through the room and pulled them both back to reality.

  “Uh, no mom, I don’t,” said Dan.

  “Me neither,” said Alex.

  “Okay. They’ll be done in a minute.”

  Dan and Alex were still locked in an intense stare down, eye fucking each other with horny, forbidden desire. Dan hated himself for what he was doing, but he couldn’t stop it. Whether it was an urge left over from the simulation, or something born anew, he didn’t know, but he had to have her.

  Alex looked as though she was thinking the same thing, and as Dan leaned his face in closer to hers, their lips drew together suddenly, as if pulled together by powerful erotic magnetism. Dan flicked his tongue into her mouth, and felt her responding in kind.

  “They’re ready!” Lana walked out into the living room, leaving the two of them with only just enough time to part from each other and face her with expressions of mock innocence.

  “Thanks, Aunt Lana!” said Alex. “You’re the best.”

  Lana smiled at her, and then glanced over at her son and blushed. Dan was confused, but all it took was a single look down at his crotch to understand her reaction. He had a massive hard on, and his mom had seen it. The realization made him feel ashamed of himself, and he did his best to smile and act nonchalant.

  “Yeah, uh, thanks mom,” said Dan. “I’m really hungry.”

  “It’s no problem, dear,” said Lana. Her voice was quiet, and tinged with disapproval. She brushed her hands off on her pants, and then walked back into the kitchen.

  Dan and Alex ate in silence, an awkward atmosphere floating on the air. They wanted each other, badly, and Dan wasn’t sure if Alex realized just how terribly wrong it was in the same way that he did. He finished his sandwich quickly, and then looked over at her out of the corner of his eye, wondering what he should say or do to return some semblance of normality to his life.

  “I have a confession to make,” said Alex. “I… I’ve kissed you before.”

  Dan scratched his head and looked at her curiously.

  “What are you talking about, Alex?” he asked. “Do you mean… when we were kids, or…?”

  “No Dan,” she said softly. “This is going to sound crazy, but it was in a new simulation I tried, the other day. I know it was wrong, but I just couldn’t resist…”

  Dan’s mouth dropped open in surprise. He blinked at his cousin in disbelief, and then slowly shifted on the couch so he was facing her directly.

  “Alex… were you there for it? For the mall, and Midhaven?”

  Alex looked confused.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  Dan didn’t say anything.

  “Dan, I tried out the “Desert Island” simulation the other day. It pulls people from your subconscious that you’re attracted to, and well… you were there.”

  Dan felt a little embarrassed, but he didn’t know why. He inched closer to Alex, and considered putting his arm around her.

  “And?” he asked.

  “And… we did things together.” Alex’s voice was hot, and textured. “Things that cousins really shouldn’t be doing.”

  Dan stared into her eyes and felt his cock throb and ache. He moved in closer, and then stopped himself.

  “Alex… it was just a simulation. Maybe we shouldn’t read too much into it. I mean, we’re still cousins in real life.” Dan wasn’t sure if he was speaking for her, or for himself. Alex shook her head and looked at him seriously.

  “The simulations work almost as a form of therapy,” said Alex. “They help you realize and accept parts of yourself that you might otherwise not be able to handle.”

  Dan nodded.

  “That’s true, but-“

  “Dan, I want you.” She put her hand on his crotch, and a wave of pleasure shot through him. “I know that it’s wrong, but I also know that it’s true. It’s okay, it won’t make things weird. If we do it just this one time… I think it will be…”

  She trailed off, and Dan kissed her passionately before she could rethread her train of thought. Their bodies moved together, like moths attracted to a flame, and they rolled onto the couch together.

  Dan was shamefully ready. His cock strained against his pants, and he ground it against Alex with a youthful horniness that only a teenager can muster. The look in her eyes said it all. She understood that they were crossing a line, yet, like him, it was too much for her to be able to resist.

  “Alex…” Dan whispered her name as he felt her rush to unzip his pants. He kissed her on the neck, and then pulled the skirt she was wearing up. Her panties were soft and silky underneath, and Dan pushed his bare cock up against them, feeling a small bead of pre-cum soak in against the fabric.

  Alex’s cheeks were flushed red, and she ran her hands through Dan’s hair as he maneuvered his cock inside of her panties, sliding them just out of the way and letting his hard member push up into her soft, forbidden folds.

  “Oh god!” Alex cried out as he pushed his cock head into her wet, waiting cunt. It felt good, better than it had in the simulation and better than Dan ever imagined it could. He suddenly became very aware of how exposed the two of them were, fucking like the horny teenagers they were, right out in the open in the living room.

  He started moving his hips, slowly at first, with his speed slowly intensifying in line with the pleasure. Alex shuddered and reacted to each thrust, much more in tune with the sensation than she ever had been when Dan had been with her in the simulation.

  “Oh god…” moaned Alex. “This, this is…”

  Dan was feeling exactly what she was thinking. They had entered a new realm, with new rules. He wasn’t sure how to think about it, or whether or not it was right. All Dan knew was that he only cared about cumming, as quickly as he could.

  He pumped his cock into Alex faster, feeling his cousin’s tight pussy reacting to each movement. She was staring up at him, her eyes a mix of lust, shame, and confusion. Dan was right there with her, overtaken by his own impulses.

  The simulation had led to this, he thought. All of those experiences, the adventure he’d been on, and the people he’d met, had brought him to where he was, pushing his cock deep into someone so close and familiar, and yet so off limits.

  Dan’s pace intensified. The sound of sex was thick on the air, and Alex began to fail at stifling her moans, letting out cute, lusty noises every time he moved forward up into her. He was breathing heavily, and felt himself slowly drawing closer, and closer…

  “Oh my god!” The sound of Lana’s voice instantly pulled Dan out of his reverie. Shock and surprise raced through his body, but his hips continued moving, as though possessed. He had to cum, a voice in the back of his head insisted. He had to.

  “Mom!” cried Dan. “I… we can explain.”

  Dan could feel his mom’s eyes watching him, and somehow, it only made the sensation of fucking Alex even more pleasurable. He tried to pull out, but Alex’s legs were wrapped around him, and he found himself pushing forward again, diving dick first into indescribably intense sexual bliss.

  “This is wrong!” yelled Lana. “I, I can’t watch this!”

  Contrary to her objection, Lana continued
to stare at the two of them, and made no move to stop them. Dan couldn’t stop himself if he’d wanted to, and with every stroke he felt himself drawing closer, and closer. Alex tensed up underneath him, her cunt contracting around his cock and gripping him tight, and Dan felt himself cross over the edge.

  At the last second, he had a moment of clarity, and tried to pull out. All the action succeeded in doing was position his cock in a way that let his cum explode out, splashing onto Alex’s stomach and tits. It felt so good just to let it all out, and Dan knew his mom was still watching.

  “Upstairs, now!” screamed Lana. “Alex, you, you need to go home! I’m going to tell your mother about this later tonight.”

  Alex was in no state to respond, still blissed out by the orgasm. Dan was in similar straits, but he had just enough control and situation awareness to pull his boxers on and follow his mother as she marched upstairs. He found himself wondering what he’d done, and if it had been real, or just a dream, like so much of what he’d experienced over the past few days.


  Dan was silent as he followed his mom down the hallway and into her room. Lana had an angry, parental air about her. He’d gotten the same vibe from her many times before, after getting in trouble at school, or coming home late and violating curfew, but never like this.

  This time was clearly different, intense to a degree beyond anything Dan had seen before. Lana’s emotions were visible in her body language, like a volcano letting off smoke in the very preliminary stages of erupting. Dan was embarrassed and ashamed, and more than a little worried about what awaited him on the other side of her punishment.

  “Close the door.” Lana stood at the far end of her room, facing away from him. Dan glanced once back out into the hallway, and then slowly complied, letting the door and his only escape route close behind him.

  “Mom…” he said softly. “I can explain.”

  “No, I don’t think you can.” Lana whipped around to face him, arms crossed and with a sharply disapproving look smoldering in her eyes. Dan looked at her, and felt memories of the simulation flood back to him in a deluge, the forbidden encounters and lust filled moments they’d shared.


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