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EI: Erotic Intelligence - The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 13
EI: Erotic Intelligence - The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Read online
Page 13
“What?” Dan almost jumped out of his lounge chair. His mom and Alex had been talking about the stretch of highway left in between them and their destination, and in fact, he had been staring at her boobs, and daydreaming of more. Alex let out a very cute, flirtatious giggle.
“It’s okay,” she said. “Here…”
She took one of Dan’s hands and pulled it to her chest, pressing his palm into her soft bosom. Dan still had half of an erection in his pants, and feeling Alex’s supple, warm breast in his hand spurred it into growing even harder.
“Hey, stop that!” Lana was blushing, and glared at the two of them sternly. Dan groped at the teenager’s boob for a moment longer, and then pulled back.
“Sorry mom,” he said. “I think we’re just excited to get to Midhaven.”
“We’re all very excited, and very eager,” said Lana. “But we have to at least make an attempt of keeping ourselves under control!”
“Yeah, of course.” Dan’s cock was visibly tenting his jeans, serving as an almost comical contradiction to his words. Alex looked down at it, and then smiled at him.
“We should get moving soon,” said Lana. “I took a couple of things out of our bags that I don’t think we’ll need, so they should be a bit lighter.”
“Thanks mom,” said Dan.
The sky was clear, and a warm breeze blew through the morning air. Dan walked behind his mom as they started down the highway, and couldn’t resist watching her butt wiggle slightly back and forth underneath her pack, shifting with every step they took.
The silence that had been so unnerving to him a few days ago now felt normal and common place. Birds could still be heard in the trees, and occasionally a squirrel or raccoon would move through the bushes on either side of the divided interstate.
“I’m betting that people from all over the place have made it to Midhaven,” said Alex. “I wonder what it’s going to be like there.”
“Well, there’s really only one way to find out,” said Dan.
The turned around a small bend in the highway, and Dan spotted a single car parked in between the lanes ahead of them. It was the only one that they had seen on the actual interstate in the entire time they’d been walking on it, and the group slowed to a halt about a third of a mile from it.
“I don’t know if we should just run up to it,” said Lana. “It’s pretty clear that it arrived here after everything kicked off.”
“It doesn’t look like anybody’s in it,” said Dan. “If they’re hiding, then they probably aren’t the dangerous type, anyway.”
“Unless they’re hiding off to the side, and waiting to ambush us as soon as we take a close look at the car.” Alex had a serious expression on her face, and Dan felt a chill run down his spine.
“Look, I have my gun,” said Dan. “You two stay here. I’ll head up to it nice and slow, and take a close look at what’s up.”
“That’s not safe!” Lana grabbed her son by the shoulder, as if she was preparing to hold him back.
“Trust me, it will be fine,” he said. “I’ll be on guard. If anything happens, we’ll all meet back up at the rest stop.”
He started off towards the car before either of the two of them could object. It was a nondescript looking tan colored sedan, and nothing about it felt unusual to Dan as he approached, other than the fact that it was there.
Dan kept one hand on his holstered pistol as he closed in on it. He could see something through one of the back windows, and as he made it the last few feet across the interstate, it became clear what it was.
An attractive woman was sitting in the back seat of the car. Dan thought she was naked at first, but on closer inspection he realized that she was dressed in thin, insubstantial lingerie. She looked toward him and smiled, and then gestured for him to climb into the car.
He looked over his shoulder towards where his mom and Alex had been. They weren’t there, and Dan figured that they had headed into hiding into the woods for maximum safety. Slowly, he let his pack slip down to the ground, and then climbed into the car and took a seat next to the woman.
“Hello!” Her voice was beautiful, clear, and enthusiastic.
“Uh… Hi,” replied Dan. “What are you doing out here by yourself?”
She had long blond hair, piercing green eyes, and large, nice looking breasts. Without any sign of hesitation or restraint, she reached her hand over and began massaging Dan’s chest.
“You know, we don’t have any guys in my community…” she whispered.
“Community? Are you from Midhaven?” Dan was torn between finding out more information and letting the woman escalate the situation. His cock was hardening rapidly, and her hand was drawing closer and closer to it.
“Yes, I’m from Midhaven. It’s just up the road,” said the woman. “My name is Julie.”
She was smiling dangerously at Dan, and her hand began to massage his hard bulge. He gasped, and felt his abdomen shift almost automatically in order to give her better access.
“Julie,” he said. “Are you-“
“You’ll be the only guy in Midhaven,” she said, cutting him off. “You’ll be like a king to us.”
She unzipped his pants, and before Dan could stop her, she’d wrapped her lips around his cock. The feeling was amazing, and Julie knew exactly how to work her lips up and down his hard member.
“Oh god!” moaned Dan.
It all felt excessive to him, too intense for his mind to process. Julie pulled her mouth off his cock for a second and jerked him off as she shifted in close.
“You’ll have everything you want in our community, Dan.” She continued to stroke him with her soft hands, punctuating each word to the rhythm of her touch. “Everything…”
She dropped back down and began sucking again. Dan couldn’t help thrusting his hips up and pushing his cock deeper. Julie didn’t look like she cared, and began to take his hard member even deeper, slurping on it with lewd focus.
There was a knock at the window. Dan panicked and tried to move Julie back, but the grip that her mouth had on his cock was vacuum tight. The door next to him opened, and he knew even without looking that his mom and Alex were on the other side.
“Dan!” The tone of Lana’s voice was a mixture of deep embarrassment and disappointment.
“Mom, I, oh god, she…” Dan could barely get any words out. Julie’s mouth felt so good, and it was impossible for him to pay attention to anything else.
“”Are you serious, Dan?” asked Alex. “This could be a trap!”
Dan looked down at Julie and saw her pretty green eyes staring back up at him. He didn’t want to cum in front of his mom and Alex. He promised himself that he wouldn’t, and reached his hand forward to push Julie back. She touched the bottom of his cock with the tip of her tongue, and instantly Dan felt his resolve give way.
“She’s… from Midhaven,” Dan managed. “She can help us get there.”
Julie acted like she wasn’t at all tuned into the conversation, and continued polishing Dan’s cock with her mouth. Dan glanced over at his mom and saw her face, bright red and painted with a look of confused arousal. Alex’s was much the same, along with a touch of jealousy.
“Stop her from doing that!” yelled Lana.
Dan finally managed to summon the willpower to slide Julie’s head back. She used her tongue on the head of his cock as it was leaving her mouth, and then leaned forward and gave it one last kiss, pushing her big, luxurious lips against the tip.
“Oh, fuck!” It was just enough to push Dan over the edge, and his cock began to erupt with cum, some of which shot into Julie’s mouth, and the rest dribbling down her chin.
“Jeez Dan, you are a piece of work…” Alex was walking away from the car.
“Honey, we will talk about this when we get to Midhaven!” said Lana. “This is not okay!”
Julie just looked up at him and smiled, like a temptress from another land.
It took everyo
ne, especially Dan, a little while to recover from the incident. Lana and Alex were understandably upset, but the fact that they had found someone new, as rare as people were in the new world, made it hard to be angry.
“Midhaven is not far from here,” said Julie. “I can take you there in the car.”
She was still wearing only lingerie, along with a pair of high heels that looked like they’d be hard to walk in. Dan didn’t really understand why she’d been waiting in the road for them, but nodded slowly at her idea.
“Your people set up that sign,” said Alex. “Are you open for anyone who shows up?”
“Not just anyone,” said Julie. “There are bad people in the world, as there always had been. But from what I’ve seen from Dan and the two of you, none of you are bad.”
“How do we know that your people aren’t bad?” asked Lana. “We find a single woman, dressed to seduce and waiting alone in a car, and we’re supposed to just trust you?”
Julie shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.
“You can come with me or you can stay here,” she said. “If you want to see Midhaven for yourself, you’re going to have to trust me.”
Dan looked at his mom and Alex. He could tell that they were both unsure. He was feeling similarly himself, but the opportunity that Midhaven presented felt too good to pass up, even if it didn’t pan out.
“Okay Julie,” said Dan. “Take us to Midhaven.”
To travel by car after so many days of being on foot felt fresh and exciting to Dan, even though it was something that he’d done so often before the world had changed. He sat in the back seat with Alex, while his mom silently watched Julie from the front passenger’s side.
“How far is it?” asked Lana.
“It shouldn’t take us more than ten minutes to get there,” said Julie. “We’re a small community, set up inside of an old hotel. We sometimes head out into the area to gather supplies, but there’s nobody left free of the headsets except for us.”
The city was visible on the skyline shortly after. Dan had never been to Midhaven before things had changed, but it was still unnerving to go through the town and see just how deserted it was. There were no people anywhere, and it reminded him of something out of a horror movie.
Julie drove straight through, headed at a speed that would have been dangerous and irresponsible two weeks before. She drove all the way into the downtown area of the city, and finally stopped the car in front of a looming building.
“This is it,” she said. “Come on, let’s get the three of you inside.”
Dan could feel the wariness of Alex and his mom as they followed Julie towards the entrance. Nothing felt out of the ordinary, and when the group walked into the lobby, he saw that attractive women were scattered all around it, going about their everyday business casually.
“Hey Julie,” said one of them. “Are those… oh my god, is that a man?”
The entire room felt like it had drawn up to attention at the word ‘man’. Women from all over stood up from their seats, the one at the counter slowly walked around and across the foyer, and Dan tried to act normal as a dozen set of eyes focused on him.
“Uh, hello…” He wasn’t quite sure what to say, or how to respond.
“Sorry, we haven’t had a man in our community since… well, ever.” Julie smiled at him. “Felicity is going to show your friends to their room. Dan, we need you to meet with our leader immediately.”
“This is my son you’re talking about!” said Lana. “I’m not just going to-“
“Mom, it’s okay.” Dan pulled her into a hug, and then kissed her on the cheek, feeling like he had to work overtime to keep himself in check. “If they were planning something, we would already know it by now. I’ll meet up with the two of you in a couple of minutes.”
Lana was reluctant to let her son go, and her grip around him didn’t relax as he started to pull away. She pulled him close and kissed him again, this time on the lips. It made Dan feel hot and confused, but she finally loosened, and he followed Julie towards the elevator.
“What does your leader want with me?” Dan asked. Julie pushed the button for the very top floor, and the door shut a moment later.
“Angela coordinates everything here,” she replied. “She told us in the beginning that if we ever find a man that isn’t hostile, that we should bring him in, and bring him up to her. I can’t say exactly what she wants with you.”
The elevator began to rise. Dan was surprised by how slow it felt like it was going. He glanced over at Julie’s face and admired her, remembering how it felt to have her sucking on his cock so enthusiastically.
Finally, they reached the top floor. The tension that Dan felt building within his body abated slightly as the door opened. The room on the other side was clearly part of a large penthouse, and sitting in the back of it, in a large leather chair, was an attractive woman in her late thirties or early forties.
“Angela, this is-“
“Dan, yes, I know.” The woman smiled, and Dan saw that she had a very pretty face, with a few elegant wrinkles near her eyes. “I was listening in through the intercom downstairs. You can go, Julie.”
Julie nodded, smiled at Dan, and then walked back to the elevator. Dan didn’t move or say anything until he had heard the door shut behind him. Angela had a very slight, neutral smile, and it was impossible to read anything out of the expression.
“Please,” she said, gesturing to the chair in front of her. “Have a seat.”
Dan walked over and slowly did as instructed. He felt strange, as though he was in a meeting with the Mayor or the President in the old world. It was hard for him to know how to act, or why he was there.
“Relax Dan,” said the woman. “I’m not going to hurt you, or your mom, or your friend. I just want to talk to you for a bit about the new world that we find ourselves in.”
“Alright.” Dan nodded, but didn’t say anything more. He wanted her to show her hand first, or at least offer some semblance of reasoning behind why he was sitting down with her.
“Do you know how many people we’ve found so far that haven’t been locked in, Dan?” Angela stood up and began walking around the room, circling him.
“No,” he said. “I thought-“
“117,” said Angela. “And Dan… do you know how many of those people have been men?”
This time, Dan stayed silent.
“None of them have been.” She moved behind his chair, and let her hands come to rest on his shoulders. Dan could smell a very light scent of perfume, and tried to keep himself from getting excited.
“None of them?” he asked. “How is that possible?”
Angela leaned her face in so that it was right to the side of his.
“We found a group of five men a couple weeks back,” she said softly. “But they were too violent for us to bring in. We had to… well, let’s just say that we couldn’t bring them in.”
Dan waited for her to continue, but she didn’t, not right away. Instead, Angela massaged her hands into his shoulders, and let one of them slide down across his chest.
“We’re interested in keeping humanity going, in the real world,” she said. “Regardless of what it takes. Do you understand what I’m saying, Dan?”
Dan gingerly nodded his head, and felt his cock begin to harden rapidly in his pants. He knew exactly what she was saying, and it made him very, very excited.
“Excellent.” Angela slipped in front of him and then straddled him on the chair. “I think you’ll find the arrangement here to be mutually beneficial.”
He almost couldn’t believe what was happening. Angela was incredibly beautiful. The fact that she was in her forties only emphasized her natural attractiveness and turned him on even more.
She was wearing a long, tight skirt, and Dan could see her smooth, milky thighs as she slid it up and began to grind herself on his cock. Her panties with white with light blue trim, and Dan began to feel his cock crave what was underneath them.
“Of course, it’s not just going to be me, Dan,” whispered Angela. “There will be many women here for you. As many as you need, and as many as possible. We have to keep humanity going.”
“But… Alex, and my mom?” Dan’s hands were automatically sliding up the grey blouse that Angela had on. He began groping at her breasts, and felt pre cum begin to form on the tip of his cock.
“Whatever arrangement you had before you came here can continue,” said Angela. “We aren’t here to judge you. But if you’re going to stay, you will have to earn your keep, and in your case, Dan, that only means one thing.”
She slipped down and unzipped Dan’s jeans. His cock was ready, and it popped out as she pulled down Dan’s boxers without any hesitation. Angela smiled, ran her hand along his shaft, gave his cock head a soft wet kiss, and then walked over to an intercom on her desk.
“Julie? Come back up to my office immediately, and bring Anna.” Angela listened to a scratchy response through the speaker, and then walked back over to Dan, shedding her skirt and blouse as she went. Dan didn’t know what to think, and did the only thing he could as she dropped back down to her knees in front of his cock. He gave into the pleasure.
“Does it bother you that I’m old enough to be your mother, Dan?” whispered Angela. “Julia and Anna are younger than me. We can wait for them to get here.”
“No,” he replied. “Go ahead.”
Angela immediately went to work on his cock with the technique and sophistication that only a woman with decades of sexual experience can muster. She brought her lips up and down his shaft gracefully, sucking him off in a manner that was both insanely pleasurable and efficient, with no wasted movements or accidental sounds.
“Oh man…” moaned Dan. Angela pulled her lips off his cock and smiled at him, looking at both his body and his member with strange, horny admiration.
The elevator door opened in the back of the room, and Dan heard the sound of footsteps, followed by two surprised gasps in unison.
“Angela, you’re…” Julie trailed off in mid-sentence as the dots connected in her head.