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EI: Erotic Intelligence - The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 10
EI: Erotic Intelligence - The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Read online
Page 10
“Oh, wow,” whispered Dan. Dana was grinding her crotch against him in a way that had brought his cock into a fully erect state almost instantly. She was breathing fast, and looked as though the situation was every bit as thrilling and erotic to her as it was to him.
“This… feels very different from how it would feel in a simulation,” she said. “Much more… vivid.”
Dan began unbuttoning her blouse, which pulled open and revealed a bigger pair of breasts than he was expecting. Dana was rubbing her hand on his crotch, not fully stroking him off but teasing him into a further state of eagerness.
There was little to no furniture in the gas station, but Dan pushed Dana forward, against a wall. She let out a small moan and lifted her skirt up. It only took Dan a couple of seconds to slip her panties off her and get his hard cock out of his pants, and then the two of them were playing with fire.
“Yes…” whispered Dana. “Show me, Dan.”
He let the head of his cock slide under Dana’s short skirt and rub up against her warm, inviting folds. She was already wet, and Dan wondered if that was also new to her. Would she also be surprised when his cock began to blast out hot cum inside of her?
“I think you’ll learn a lot from this.” Dan whispered directly into Dana’s ear. He felt like he was in control, and it gave him a strange sense of power. Dana’s bra clasp was pinned against the wall, but he pulled the cups of it down and let her nicely sized tits pop out of her shirt. They called to him, and he leaned forward and gave one of her nipples a lick.
A shudder went through Dana, and she rubbed her pussy on Dan’s rod in a manner that was lewd and intensely erotic. He pushed the head of his cock inside of her ever so slightly, letting it get a taste of her hot, wet cunt.
“Oh, Dan,” she moaned.
Dan kissed her passionately, and pushed further in. Her cunt was more than welcoming, and soon he found himself buried halfway inside. His hips began to move eagerly, thrusting into Dana and pushing her up against the wall with every forward stroke.
There was something familiar about fucking her, something that brought Dan back to the simulation he’d experienced, and the moment where was caught between the two worlds, with intense sexual gratification on either side. He remembered his mom, and the feeling of her hands, and felt himself begin to pound into Dana with even more gusto.
“Yes, that’s it!” moaned Dana. “Oh my… this feels.”
“That’s right, take it!” Dan was in his own world. He was slamming his cock into Dana, but he could clearly picture his mom at the same time in his head. It was wrong, and repulsive, but also so incredibly erotic, and he didn’t understand why.
The rhythmic sound of Dana being pushed against the wall repeatedly could be heard on the air. If anything about the situation were different, if the world hadn’t ended, or if people happened upon the scene, it would take only a moment for them to figure out what was going on.
Dana’s breasts bounced in front of his eyes. The look on her face was one of intense, unbridled pleasure, the look of a nympho getting her satisfaction after a long and empty dry spell. Dan thrust his member as deep as it would go inside of her, feeling her pussy contracting suddenly.
“Oh fuck!” cried Dana. “I… what… is this?”
She began to shiver, and Dan felt her nails dig into his back. He smiled, and wondered to himself if she’d ever had an orgasm before, in the virtual world. He had reached an animalistic frenzy in his movements, and slammed into Dana as hard as he could a few last times.
His cock began to erupt, blasting his sticky seed deep inside of the woman. There was a lot of it, and he could feel it overflowing back onto his cock as pleasure spread over him like a gentle wave.
“…Wow.” Dana was shaking her head back and forth and breathing heavily, her eyes wide with disbelief. Dan didn’t say anything. He moved away from her and began to get dressed, feeling as though the situation had gone far enough.
“Come on,” he said. “I need to get back to my mom and Alex. If you’re coming, you’d better hurry up.”
He wondered if it really was a good idea to allow her to follow him, knowing what he knew. Dana looked and acted harmless enough, and she began getting dressed quickly. She walked over to him with the same awkward, forced movement patterns that he’d seen before. Dan sighed, and walked out of the store.
“Dan… it would be wisest if you didn’t tell them about what I really am and why I’m really here.”
The two of them were walking side by side, headed back towards where he had left Alex and his mom. Dan looked at Dana curiously, and thought about whether or not he was making the right decision.
“Why not?” he asked. “Are you worried that they might-“
“I’m here as an observer,” she said. “It will be easiest for me to fulfill my capacities in that respect if all of you are all acting naturally.”
Dan folded his arms and stopped walking for a moment.
“Then why tell me?” he asked her. “Why didn’t you just say that you were another survivor?”
She didn’t say anything. Dan felt his suspicions growing, along with a kernel of anger deep within his chest, when he saw Dana take a clumsy step and trip over the edge of the curb. He moved just in time to catch her as she fell, and hefted her soft, supple body back into a standing position.
“Please Dan,” she said. “Just for now.”
Dan didn’t say anything, but after a moment he nodded slightly.
“They’ll probably figure it out, anyway, after seeing the clumsy way you move around,” he said. Dana smiled at him, and took another step.
Alex and Lana were still right where Dan had left them, except they looked a good deal more worried. His mom’s face lit up as he approached, and he saw her glance at Dana with suspicious eyes.
“Dan…” said Lana. “Who is she?”
“This is Dana,” he replied. “She is a survivor, just like us. Her headset was broken when the takeover happened.”
Alex looked at both of them, and then walked over to Dana and held out her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Dana, I’m Alex.”
Dana went to shake the girl’s hand, and wobbled on uneasy knees as she moved forward. Alex took her by the shoulder and helped her regain her balance.
“Are you okay?” asked Alex. “Do you want to sit down?”
“Yes, I’m sorry,” said Dana. “I… have a condition.”
Lana walked over to her son and pulled him into a tight, loving hug.
“Don’t you ever run off like that again,” she said. “I was so worried. And you took so long to get back.”
“I won’t mom, I’m sorry.” He glanced back over at the message written on the wall, and his mind returned to the situation at hand. “We should get moving as soon as we can. We’re only wasting daylight by hanging out here.”
“Hold on,” said Lana. “I want to talk to her, first.”
She walked towards Dana and crossed her arms. On the surface, she looked friendly enough, but Dan could sense that his mom was unsure and wary of the new woman. Alex had helped Dana to a seat on a bench, and Lana bent over to make eye contact with her.
“Dana,” she said softly. “What’s happened to you over the past few days? Do you know anything about what’s going on?”
Dana shook her head and looked confused.
“You three are the first people I’ve found,” she said. “I lived alone, but my neighbors and my friends… is there anybody else left? Other than us?”
Dan wasn’t sure whether to be grateful for her convincing performance, or unnerved by it. Without knowing what he knew, it was impossible to not take her at face value.
“It doesn’t look like it,” said Lana. “At least not here.”
She pointed at the spray painted message behind them, and then continued.
“Midhaven… That’s where we’re headed. You can come with us, if you want. You’ll need to be able to
keep up, though.”
“I’ll manage well enough,” she said. “I just need to get into the rhythm of it.”
The four of them passed around a water bottle, and then started off down the road towards Midhaven. Dan wanted to find a car and drive the distance, reducing their travel time from at least a full day down to no more than an hour or two, but his mom forbade it.
“We don’t know if everyone out there is as harmless as we are,” she said. “The last thing we want to do is to attract that much attention to ourselves.”
So they walked. They managed a decent pace, and soon enough they had left the main town and were walking along an empty highway to their next destination. The four of them continued silently for a while, and eventually, Alex sauntered over to Dan and leaned in close to him.
“You were gone for an awfully long time before,” she whispered. “Did something happen?”
“No, of course not!” Dan answered with a little bit too much emotion, and he could see that Alex picked up on it.
“You can tell me,” she said. “If it has something to do with Dana, then maybe all of us should…”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” replied Dan. “I just helped her find something to eat.”
It was close enough to the truth, and Alex relented. She smiled at him and rubbed his shoulder, and then looked up in the direction that they were headed.
“What do you think we’ll find there?” she asked. Dan shrugged and shook his head.
“Beats me,” he said. “They’ll be other people, probably at least a small group. Hopefully there will be someone who knows what’s going on, and maybe even a semblance of the world that we left behind.”
“I hope you’re right,” said Alex. “Let’s stick together, even after we get there, okay?”
Dan nodded, and felt buoyed up by her insistence. The interstate ahead of them looked eerily empty, completely devoid of cars on both sides of the divider. There was nothing to look at, and in the silence of the group, nothing to distract him from his thoughts as the day wore on.
He wondered if he’d made the right choice with Dana. His intuition had given her the pass when they’d first met, but a small, logical part of his mind was screaming betrayal. The only thing that Dan knew for sure was that if the EIs really wanted the three of them dead or contained, there were easier ways of arranging it than an elaborate con job.
“Hey, do you hear that?” Lana stopped the group in the road. They were right next to a small turn off for a rest station, and after straining his ears for a moment, Dan could hear the very faint sound of laughter.
“It sounds like people,” said Dan. “Should we-“
Before he could answer, the group’s attention turned to a tall, raggedly dressed man jogging towards them from behind a parked tractor trailer. He was smiling friendly enough, and waved his arms at them in an exaggerated manner.
“Hey ya’ll!” He yelled. “Fancy that you’d stop by! We figured that we were the only ones left, coming on this point.”
Dan’s eyes were instantly drawn to the rifle strung across the man’s back. It made him feel uneasy, but then he remembered his own pistol, the one he’d taken from Michelle, and set his hand on it.
“We almost thought the same,” said Dan. “We’re just traveling by.”
He glanced over at his mom and Alex, and saw that they were just as nervous as he was. The man heading towards them looked as though he had picked up on it, and stopped right where he was, about thirty feet away from them.
“Is that so?” he asked, dryly. “Well you really should stay the night, it’s going to be dark soon.”
“Thanks for the offer, but we should keep moving.” Dan slowly eased his hand around the grip of the pistol. The man was still smiling, and it made him look even more dangerous.
There was a clicking noise from behind them, and Dan whirled around only to find that another man was coming up behind them. He moved to draw his gun, and the first man leveled his rifle barrel at him.
“Not so fast, boyo,” he said. “Why don’t you take that pistol out of its holster, nice and slow, and toss it to the grass over there.”
The man whistled loudly, and Dan slowly did what was asked of him. He could see the fear in his mom’s face, along with pure panic on Alex’s, and felt a sinking feeling take root in his stomach.
From the direction of the rest stop came three more men, bringing their number to a total of five. Each of them looked out of shape, unkempt, and rowdy, but well-armed. Dan assumed that it was a group of truck drivers that had managed to survive, by some chance.
“Alright, now that my friends are here, we can talk seriously.” The man doing the talking was grinning more broadly than ever. “My name is Bob, and it is indeed a great pleasure to meet all of you.”
Dan didn’t say anything, but he knew instantly from the lecherous way the man was looking at the girls that the situation was about to go from bad to worse. The trucker coming up behind them was a disgusting looking man, and he was clearly looking to Bob for permission.
“Go ahead, Dustin,” said Bob. “Take the older one forward, we’ll start with her.”
“What?” Dan glared at the man, and moved between him and his mom. “Don’t even think about touching her.”
Dustin pointed his gun at Dan until he reluctantly raised his hands into the air again, and then slammed him in the stomach with the butt of it. The pain was searing and intense, but it didn’t even come close to the mental torture that he experienced from watching his mom being dragged into the group of men.
“Please, just let us go,” said Lana. “We’ll give you food, our weapons, whatever you want.”
“Whatever we want?” Bob had a perverse smile on his face. He slowly reached forward and groped Lana’s breast. Dan could see the unease in her eyes, but she didn’t resist.
“Mom!” he cried. “Don’t do it!”
Dan climbed to his feet and moved towards the truckers, but one of them pushed him down to the ground and held him. He struggled, but the man was heavy, and there was no way for him to do anything but watch what came next.
“She’s your mom, huh?” Bob wrinkled his forehead. “Hell, if my mom was this hot, I’m not sure what I would have done as a kid. We do things differently, where I’m from.”
Another man came up from behind Lana and began grabbing at her breasts and grinding himself into her. Dan could see a strange look on her face, as though she was disgusted by it all, but there was also a small hint of arousal, one that was echoed in his own body’s reaction.
“No!” yelled Dan. “Don’t you fucking touch her!”
Bob laughed, and pushed himself forward onto her, sandwiching Lana between two horny men with eager, erect cocks. Dan could see Alex watching fearfully from the side, and found himself getting even angrier. They were intent on raping them all, one by one, starting with the woman that he loved most.
“If you… if you let them go, I’ll…” Lana spoke in a quiet voice, her face red with embarrassment.
“Why don’t you get started, and I’ll see what kind of mood I’m in at the end?” Bob pushed Lana down to his knees and began undoing his pants. He pulled out his cock, which for all it’s apparent hardness, was not actually that large, and began jerking off in front of Lana’s face.
Dan had never been so angry in his entire life. Still, behind it was a raging emotional conflict. His mom was staring at the man’s cock and licking her lips. She was clearly unhappy with the situation, but also very aware of her sexuality and how to leverage it to the best of her ability.
“Mmm, why don’t you give it a little kiss there, mommy,” said Bob. He slowly pushed his cock forward. Lana opened her mouth, and brought her lips closer, and closer…
The instant before Lana took the trucker’s cock into her mouth, all hell began to break loose. A whirring noise came raging towards them from the side of the interstate, drawing everyone’s attention. Bob turned, letting his disgusting cock b
rush against Lana’s cheek and leaving a nasty dot of precum where it made contact.
“Fuck!” he yelled. “Those are drones! Boys, we need to-“
One of the tiny mechanical robots whizzed through the air and slammed into Bob’s head before he could finish his sentence. He stood up, pants at his ankles and a dazed look in his eyes, and then began to sprint off into the woods, away from the rest stop and the highway.
The other truckers looked at each other for a moment, and then looked at Lana and the rest of the captives. More drones began dropping from the air, and it didn’t take long for the truckers to start chasing after Bob.
All through the chaos, Dana had stood in concentration, one hand holding her head and the other stretched out in front of her. Her hair was lifted up in the back, as though blown by wind and held by static electricity.
Dan stared at her, as did Alex and his mom. All of the truckers had fled, and the drones pursued them with haste. After a minute, Dan heard blood chilling screams from the direction they’d gone in, and then nothing.
“You… you’re controlling them,” Alex said. “You’re controlling the drones!”
Dana turned towards her and offered a thin smile.
“I can explain, if you’ll let me,” she said.
Dan paid her no attention and quickly made his way over to his mom. She had the beginnings of tears in the corners of her eyes, only just barely held back by her force of will. Dan hugged her tightly and then brushed her cheek off.
“It’s okay sweetie, I’m fine,” said Lana.
“Mom I’m so sorry!” Dan could feel her body against hers, and felt more ashamed than ever for being so turned on by it. “They were going to make you... I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, honey.” Lana pulled back, and smiled a woman’s smile at him. “Just try not to think about it.”
Dan nodded slowly, and then looked back towards the others. Alex was slowly walking backwards away from Dana, shaking her head and looking even more fearful than she had with the bikers.